View Full Version : My EXTREME anxiety

10-18-2015, 04:04 AM
Hi all, i don't know where to start.. i've had anxiety since i was a little kid i guess(23 years old now) and my first panic attack occured in 2009 i think. and i really started to feel anxiety about 2 years ago++. then i had a period of some crazy panic attacks and extreme health anxiety, but i got trough with it, and i went panic free til about the summer in 2014. then hell broke loose, and since then i've had severe anxiety that's just kept getting worse and worse and it still is.

I have all anxiety disorders you can imagine, all of em. i can't even be around people anymore, i have friends and family that wanna meet me and socialize. but i can't! so i sit home alone in my apartment all day, every day. i can't even go to stores anymore and shop groceries, someone else has to do it. i'm crippled with anxiety everyday and paranoia, i can't do nothing, i just lay at my coach everyday and play games and watch tv series, that's been my life since last summer, specially in the year of 2015. im about to go f**** crazy soon. i must have incurable anxiety, like last christmas i sat alone at my apartment, i couldnt join my family, and on new years eve i sat alone too, first time doing that it was horrible. and i'm about to give it all up, no one got so bad anxiety as i got(hope so) thats why im writing here to see if there are someone who can relate to such a extreme anxiety or some tips for me, been to a psychologist for years, only reason i still have a psychologist is to not being in total isolation. and i wanna talk to people who can relate, because honestly someone who hasnt had anxiety doesnt know shit about it. so please i hope i get some answers here, im about to find my 9mm and end it all soon.. im desperate. And im so sorry for my bad english and writing,hope you understand what im writing, and if this post is too extreme just delete it. Peace

10-18-2015, 09:33 AM
Hi and welcome here :)

Well I bet I could give you a run for your money on who has the worst anxiety. The scary thing is, if I had had access to a gun I most probably would be dead by now. It's a hell of a thing to live with and yeah, people who don't have it cannot comprehend how debilitating it can be.

I don't come here much anymore and to be honest I can't be bothered going into detail about anxiety right now, but if you want me to message you I will (let me know on this thread because new people can't initiate private messages). Just don't go getting out your 9mm yet ok?

Gypsy x

10-18-2015, 12:21 PM
Hi and welcome here :)

Well I bet I could give you a run for your money on who has the worst anxiety. The scary thing is, if I had had access to a gun I most probably would be dead by now. It's a hell of a thing to live with and yeah, people who don't have it cannot comprehend how debilitating it can be.

I don't come here much anymore and to be honest I can't be bothered going into detail about anxiety right now, but if you want me to message you I will (let me know on this thread because new people can't initiate private messages). Just don't go getting out your 9mm yet ok?

Gypsy x

Yeah MSG me

10-18-2015, 02:04 PM
Can't answer your MSG. this comes up: To be able to send PMs your post count must be 10 or greater.

10-18-2015, 06:19 PM
God this place sucks lol

10-18-2015, 07:30 PM
You mentioned a psychologist, but have you seen a psychiatrist for medication? I was worse than you before I started taking medication. Then I got off it earlier this year and went downhill again. There are side effects and it's hard to take it but it beats the heck out of living with anxiety all the time.

10-19-2015, 01:37 AM
yes i have that, i'm a former drug abuser. so no my anxiety has turned me into fearing meds. if you was worse than this? how can you still be alive? impressive

10-19-2015, 09:06 AM
If you are a former drug abuser, that sounds like illegal drugs. That's different from prescription drugs, like anxiety medications or antidepressants. You won't become addicted to antidepressants (which would help you greatly) and a good psychiatrist would help you with anxiety drugs so as not to become dependent. But probably you could be okay with just the right antidepressant.

I got so bad I ended up in a hospital and had to take medication. I did not want medication! But it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me and changed my life. I wish I had done it earlier. It would have saved me hours and hours of crying and being so angry. I don't cry anymore.

10-19-2015, 09:43 PM
These are all my symptoms since i was diagnosed with monoculosis back in March, which is when my anxiety skyrocketed:

-Head pressure top of head
-Back and neck pain
-Ear ache
-clicking/ringing and pressure in ears
-Stuffed nose at night
-Eyes sensitive to light
-Nauseous at night
-Bloated burning feeling in stomach
-Heart palpitations
-Panic attacks
-shortness of breath
-run out of breath when talking
-losing more hair than normal
-weak and tired

I don't know if these are all anxiety symptoms, or an actual sickness but I'm tired of feeling like I'm dying! Please help! :(

10-20-2015, 08:49 AM
Well, you KNOW the panic attacks are anxiety, so you can start with that. Some of the other symptoms are probably a result of your anxiety. I think you need to see a doctor and get started on getting some help.