View Full Version : Hi Everyone!

10-16-2015, 07:16 AM
Hi there, everybody. It's been a while since I joined a forum, but I'm looking forward to contributing here. So I guess I'll start off with a little about me (I'll try to keep this brief-ish).

I'm a 27 year old artist/illustrator that lives in the USA with my fiance. I've always been more of an introvert, but am perfectly capable of interacting with people when in social or professional situations - something I've gotten much better at since becoming self-employed. Things started to change for me around late July last year, when I suddenly started feeling very ill. Over the course of a couple weeks, I suddenly had all these crazy physical symptoms in all different body systems and felt really scared. Over the next few months, I had a variety of medical tests done which, thankfully, all came out clear. Though at the time, every "all clear" that came back just made me a wreck because it seemed to me that there was something seriously wrong with that none of my doctors could figure out.

Eventually, we landed on the possibility of anxiety/depression/hypochondria causing all of this and I was prescribed 50 mg of Sertraline and directed to seek counseling, which I have continued for about 7 months now. I'm very thankful that the most debilitating symptoms I was experiencing (nausea, dizziness, insomnia, etc.) have long since faded away. However, even though I definitely feel like I'm in a bit better place emotionally than I was (last year was a pretty TERRIBLE year for my fiance and me), I still struggle daily with physical annoyances that just won't seem to go away, and that I just can't seem to get used to. Muscles all over my body twitch randomly, my skin feels like its crawling, and I feel an almost constant tightness in my chest that makes breathing SEEM like its harder to do, though I have never passed out. I'm able to exercise rigorously every day, so I know my body is working just fine. But it's these persistent symptoms that still plague my mind and I feel obsessed with them. It's like, they don't keep me from doing anything that I really want to do in my daily life, but I can't stop thinking about them, questioning them, trying to figure them out, etc. It's maddening.

I've not seen a psychiatrist or anything yet, but that may be next on the list of things to try.

Anyway, that's the brief version of me. I look forward to being a part of the community here, and perhaps meeting some others who are going through similar experiences. Thanks for having me!

10-16-2015, 01:46 PM

Welcome! I am new to the forum just tonight as well, I'm hopeful that being involved in an open, non-judgemental space will help normalise and soon get rid of the symptoms. I can sympathise with you in the obsessing over little bodily changes. I do the same. There are millions of indescribable symptoms of mental disorders, but the symptoms only thrive on the important you give them, you need to remember that. I read somewhere that anxiety is like a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle and the only way to get over it is to leave it undone on the floor and walk away.
Sometimes, when my hypochondria is bad (worrying there's something wrong my brain, heart, body) I say over and over "my body is completely healthy, my brain is completely healthy, I am so thankful for my health" etc. Have you tried meditation or creating mantras to tell yourself when a worrying thought/feeling occurs?
I hope you start to find peace of mind and that this forum can be helpful :)
Good luck


10-16-2015, 08:06 PM
Hi aimeeelizabeth,

Thanks for the reply, and welcome to you too! I really love your puzzle analogy haha. I had to stop meditating for a while because I found myself becoming obsessive about my breathing while doing it, and then afterward. Like constantly judging whether or not I was breathing slow enough or relaxed enough, to the point where it seemed like I could only breathe consciously. That did subside so I've just started taking up the practice again. But I like your mantra suggestion. If I'm gonna have a thought running on repeat all day, I'd rather it be something reassuring or positive. So thanks for that - I'll give it a shot. :)

10-17-2015, 02:30 AM
I had to stop meditating for a while because I found myself becoming obsessive about my breathing while doing it, and then afterward.

I actually found exactly the same thing. I became hyper-aware of my body during guided meditation, to the point that I freaked out because I couldn't feel my arms (because they weren't moving haha.) I see a herbalist doctor and he told me that fast walking (as fast as you can) helps, and it really does. The first few times frightened me a bit because of my heart beating fast, but now it has become a sort of meditation. I put my earphones in and listen to loud music (to quieten my mind) and I sort of feel like I'm walking away from the anxiety (treating it as a bastard imposter, not as 'me').

Also- with the mantra suggestion- it also helps to think of what you want as opposed to what you don't want. E.g. "I want to feel happy, have peace of mind" instead of "I don't want to have this anxiety forever" because it opens you up to the possibility that happiness is available for you.

Sorry for waffling on haha.
Hope to see you around on the forum, message me anytime you need :)