View Full Version : anxiety in relationship

10-15-2015, 10:24 PM
Ive been in a long term relationship with my boyfriend and ive been having some anxiety issues about things that have happened in our relationship. I keep worrying that he's hiding something from me. He's lied to me before in the past.
The first time was when he had asked me to reply to someone his friend for him on facebook and when i went on his messages i saw that he had some flirtatious emoji's (in case you need more detail they where hearts and heart eyed emojiis) from a girl from his work. ( I know this may sound really stupid because the were emoji but the first thing i though of when i saw this was that he was cheating on me with this girl and the she was using them to flirt with him.) Then I went into panic mode and asked him what it was and why, he then explained that she was sending those because he had given he a smoothie from his work because she had missed out on when they all had one at work because she was on a date.
Then he second time he lied to me saying that he finished work at a later time so he could hang out with his friend instead of going to my party type thing my family was having. which was weird because he always goes to things that involves my family and he never has any problem with it.
Then the most recent one was when i found out that another girl at his work has a friend who asked for his number and was flirting with him and talking to him on facebook.
So recently Ive been worring about it and over thinking it a lot and recently hes been acting weird again and he was hiding his facebook password from me and hiding his facebook from me. He also told me that i have anything im worrying about and need to talk to him about i can tell him, but when i did he got mad and blamed it on me.
Other that this hes a really sweet guy, do you think I'm overthinking it?

10-30-2015, 11:53 AM
It sounds innocent but I guess the question is whether the relationship is causing you unneeded stress. Harsh as it sounds if you can't trust him at this point will you be able to trust him in the future and do you want to live with those doubts? If you think he honestly loves you though then there's nothing to worry about, he's chosen to be with you and not anyone else.