View Full Version : Chronic Pain, Grr

10-14-2015, 05:43 PM
I hurt daily. Apparently when recovering from a PE this size pain is normal. This would be just fine if I didn't have not one but two great job offers fall into my lap at once.
I am training for job two and I noticed my memory has become like a chalkboard. I sit in the training session for 3 hours twice a week. The first hour is fine, then the pain in my lungs becomes distracting. Once I am aware of the pain I start to stress. Am I making weird faces, odd sounds? How embarassing would it be if I stood up too quickly and passed out? Even worse, what if I began to panic and had an attack right in the middle.of all these people? I can't let these guys know I am scared to death of this whole damned room, or that I hurt so much. By the end of the 3 hours I have effectively tuned out the lecture in favor of my anxiety.
My Dr. Has told me I cannot take over the counter pain meds, nor can I have steroids for the pluerisy, I just have to stick it out. I feel much like I am wasting my time trying so hard to work again. I haven't even started my Christmas job yet. I can't even imagine what it is going to be like dancing around in an elf costume for 8-10 hours a day struggling to get a good breath in.
Any cool tricks for.managing the stress of chronic pain?

10-14-2015, 06:59 PM
I'm trying a TCA antidepressant for it's nerve blocking effect on pain. Low enough it doesn't make me sleepy during the day. And a very low dose of morphine. Without these I can't even do house work. Morphine gives me seven hours usually. These are for have to do it days only to prevent Addiction. (morphine only) But keep in mind I'm 64 single and don't give a damn anymore. I'm just tired of constant pain. There is no way I can ever work for a living again.

10-22-2015, 11:39 PM
The only TCA I had ever been prescribed was tofernil, and it gave me the most unbelievable headache (and all I did was sleep and eat).
Unfortunately for me I am pigeonholed into the health clinic system so there is no such thing as being prescribed pain meds any better than Naproxen tabs. Apparently every single person that goes to a sliding scale clinic is looking for narcotics. I can't complain though; I might hurt but they are kinda keeping me alive... sorta

10-23-2015, 05:39 AM
Well, at least you're trying really hard and I applaud you for that. In my other post, I suggested you get some professional help and I was referring to the checking. I have seen people get help and get over that.