View Full Version : New to anxiety caused by extreme stress. I need some advice please

10-14-2015, 12:01 PM

I'm going to try to explain my situation in a short as possible and I hope I can get some answers. Long story short, ever since I met my husband and we got together, got married, had our kids we have always had problems from my MIL. She has been an awful person that has caused nothing but stress to both my husband and I. I haven't seen her for about 2 years now and don't want to ever see her. My FIL has been awesome and huge support (they're divorced) but my MIL and my husbands ex gf which he has a child from have been like terrorist this whole time. My husband and I have a strong marriage and we are a happy family but we have been constantly attacked for years and it finally got to me ( I think I had a real break down) and him about a month ago. I'm not gonna get into details but for almost one month now we are both feeling anxiety. He has it less than I do, probably because he is working and distracted and I stay home with the kids and I'm constantly thinking about this. The day I felt this nasty feeling hit me a week after the stressful situation that happened. I felt like an evil force entered my body, like a switch went off and I felt panic, I felt nauseous, scared, I didn't eat dinner that night and felt like I was gonna throw up from being shocked about what is happening to me. Bad repetitive thoughts out of nowhere entered my mind and I was panicking and just felt super sick. For 3-4 days I couldn't eat much because I was in shock with what was happening. I thought I was loosing my mind and that something evil was inside. I figured this was was caused by extreme stress because that previous week and the situation that happened I took it real hard, very emotional. Oh and also my period from the stress was late one month. After about a week after my first panic/anxiety attack my appetite got better. I was afraid on going to google but I wanted some answers. I researched and found that some people go thru post traumatic stress where it hits you after an event has ended.

I've been healthy my whole life (I'm in my 20s) I have never had anxieties, OCD etc or any physical/emotional issues, I have had a happy childhood and raised by awesome parents. I am hoping this anxiety caused by extreme stress will go away soon. I've found some helpful sites with ideas on how to cope with this, I meditate, pray, hike, go out with my kids I eat healthy but this is still lingering and I just want to be back to my old happy self. Two days ago I woke up and felt great, I told myself I got this and felt so hopeful and happy that it is starting to go away but yesterday and this morning I had was hit by an anxiety attack again. This is horrible, I have been dreading the mornings because I just haven't been waking up like my old happy self excited about the day, it's been the opposite, I wake up with worry like oh crap here are the thoughts and anxiety follows after. So annoying!! Sometimes I just start to cry because I feel sad that this is happening to me and that I want to be back to my happy old self. I tell myself this is temporary, I try to be positive as much as I can. The strange repetitive thoughts won't go away since that day which was probably what triggered the panic attack right after or idk what hit first but it was just weird all together. I read that these thoughts sometimes disturbing are caused by anxiety and I guess all that will go away when the anxiety goes away.
I need some help/advice on how to heal as soon as possible, I know our brains are very powerful and can't just flip a switch and restart like a computer but I am very hopeful because this is not how I was before like I said I have always been a healthy person with no health issues. I don't want to spend money on counseling, I truly believe this will take time and practice on my end. I just don't want to make such big issue out of this and caused it to turn into a habit, I need this gone and I will be patient but I need to find the right answers.

Thank you for reading and I hope to get some helpful responses. Have a great day:)

10-14-2015, 03:17 PM
Hya, OneLove - welcome here.

You are in your 20's and that is when anxiety issues typically hit people. I was blessed to get it at 22, I believe.

Everything you describe certainly sounds like a panic attack. Some people have one and never another and some, like yours truly, feared the next attack so it became a process until I had full blown panic disorder. No real reason why some people develop the disorder. Some claim it is hereditary and others claim it is learned. Either way, that is where you are headed unless you put the brakes on.

First and foremost, don't fight it. You or anyone else will never win in a fight against anxiety. I fought it for many years before I finally got my head wrapped around what was going on.
The more you fight, the stronger anxiety will take hold.

I understand your desire to get back to normal or the person you were up until now. I wanted that too.

I have embraced a new normal. Actually I am happier than I was prior to my anxiety. Things that I stopped doing because I was afraid to panic come so easy now and I appreciate all those things so much more than ever.

If you must Google, Google "Anxiety"...and then the symptom. You will get more telling results versus hits that will say you are dying when that is not the case at all

A good place for you to start is the Anxiety Coach. Google that and you will see a site that really breaks down what is happening with you

I hope you are well on your way....

10-14-2015, 06:20 PM
Hya, OneLove - welcome here.

You are in your 20's and that is when anxiety issues typically hit people. I was blessed to get it at 22, I believe.

Everything you describe certainly sounds like a panic attack. Some people have one and never another and some, like yours truly, feared the next attack so it became a process until I had full blown panic disorder. No real reason why some people develop the disorder. Some claim it is hereditary and others claim it is learned. Either way, that is where you are headed unless you put the brakes on.

First and foremost, don't fight it. You or anyone else will never win in a fight against anxiety. I fought it for many years before I finally got my head wrapped around what was going on.
The more you fight, the stronger anxiety will take hold.

I understand your desire to get back to normal or the person you were up until now. I wanted that too.

I have embraced a new normal. Actually I am happier than I was prior to my anxiety. Things that I stopped doing because I was afraid to panic come so easy now and I appreciate all those things so much more than ever.

If you must Google, Google "Anxiety"...and then the symptom. You will get more telling results versus hits that will say you are dying when that is not the case at all

A good place for you to start is the Anxiety Coach. Google that and you will see a site that really breaks down what is happening with you

I hope you are well on your way....

Thank you I will check out anxiety coach. I think best for me for now is to stay away from researching because when I do and when I read something in regards to the search it gives me instant anxiety. It's awful. I want to find answers but there is so much on the Internet that a person can literary freak themselves out by other people's storiesp. For instance I read anxiety goes hand in hand with scary thoughts. Then when I Google "anxiety and scary thoughts" or something like that and read people stories it gives me anxiety and I need to stop reading right away because some of those stories are freaky. I found a website by Dr Martin Seif and I think he is right on with some of the things mentioned. Two days ago I had a really good day and I was calm and felt happy and almost like I knew what the root of the problem was and today when I started researching again and the things I read gave me anxieties. I now have been having a headache. What anumber evil thing anxiety is. It's all in the head and I know there's a way to get out of it I just need to figure it out.

Anyways thank you for reading and for your input