View Full Version : dealing with anxiety over upcoming prostate biopsy

10-14-2015, 09:03 AM
Hey everybody, last week after about 6 weeks of antibiotics my PSA numbers remained unchanged. Urologist set me up for a biopsy next week, fortunately the need for a biopsy did not come as to much of a shock...I have been educating myself on the possibility. How am I handling my anxiety...research, research, research I can remain calm as long as I am being proactive...but I am about researched out..nothing left to know short of going to medical school LOL. I know how procedure is done and how to prepare...I also know all my options should the results come back positive and if so I am almost 99% sure what option I will take and were i will go to receive treatment.

I do really well during the day...but at night I keep waking up with it on my mind..I woke up an hour early this morning because I could not get it out of my head. I am steadily getting more anxious the closer it comes to the day of the biopsy...exactly a week from today. Its normal to be anxious..but I am not sure how I will handle the wait for the results. So far i think I'm not blowing this out of proportion yet :) Hoping I can keep it that way.

To be honest I did "comfort eat" aka binge on junk food after i found out I needed a biopsy.
