View Full Version : Can Anxiety cause tingling, burning feet?

10-14-2015, 09:00 AM
I am new to this forum as I have had some anxiety issues over the past 20 years but nothing that major that it couldn’t be dealt with and that eventually went away. I am a healthy 50 year old male. Here is my problem. A little over 3 weeks ago I woke up on a Monday with a tingling feeling in both feet as well as some pain in my toes that felt like frostbite. It came out of nowhere because I had no symptoms before this. In fact I had been feeling really well over the last few months. I let it go for a few days thinking it would go away. By Wednesday, I would get a burning feeling in both my feet whenever I would stop walking. Once I take my shoes and socks off, the burning eventually subsides and I just have the slight tingling, pins & needles feeling. I went to my GP on that Friday and she told me it could be a lot of things and did some bloodwork. She also gave me some prednisone to take for 5 days to see if was some kind of inflammation.
The following Monday I got the bloodwork results and everything was normal. The prednisone was not doing anything. She then referred me to a Neurologist. By this time my nerves started getting the best of me thinking I could have MS or other things. I went to see the Neurologist on the following Wednesday. He did some physical tests in the exam room and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. He then had me get a complete spine MRI which turned up nothing wrong and said everything looked good. He said to wait another week and see if it subsides and then call them back and they would schedule a Nerve Conductive Test. Well, the symptoms stayed the same every day. I wake up, feel OK at first, have a little bit of numbness and tingling. By the time I get to work and sit at my desk, my toes and front of both feet start to burn. This lasts all day with some relief if I take off my shoes for a few minutes. When I get home from work, I take off my shoes and socks and get relief form the pain but the tingling, slight numbness is still there. It’s seems as though my feet nerves are hypersensitive or something. The tingling goes from my knees down. This has been going on for 3 straight weeks with no change. I have the nerve conductive test scheduled for next Saturday which is 10 days away. I am going crazy with this. I have been taking 0.5 mg of Ativan to calm me down when I get too nervous but I try to only take them when I absolutely can’t take it anymore. If there is anybody out there that has had anything similar, please let me know. Everyone I have told about his has never heard of this problem. I do have a good bit of stress with work, 2 kids, and the normal stress of life but nothing any more significant than in the past. I don’t seem to be getting any answers from anybody and I am getting really frustrated! Any comments would be helpful. Thanks.

10-14-2015, 09:12 AM
"I have the nerve conductive test scheduled for next Saturday which is 10 days away"

I would guess no on the anxiety, I have some minor nerve damage in my back that causes part of my right leg to be numb and my right arm has tremors or occasional "droppy" (hand just lets go) MRI did not show it, but the nerve conductive test did. Still have the problem but not as bad once i started working out and strengthening my lower back muscles.

This just my opinion, I'm not a doctor, but dress up as one for Halloween.