View Full Version : Scared of returning to place if first panic attack?

10-11-2015, 04:02 PM
Early last month I went on a city break with my family and the last day after a lot of walking I felt quite hot and faint. I panicked about fainting so was very anxious. At the hotel I was back and forth from the bathroom, had chills and felt really ill and extremely anxious. It was horrible and I feel was geniuely an anxiety attack because I could not calm my nerves the whole time even though I was not afraid or feeling like I was gonna faint. The worst part was my family didn't get it and expected me to go to dinner as usual and I got in such a horrible panic at the restaurant. Anyway I have this uni open day in the same city (booked a while ago) and I am scared as I associate it with what it was like last time....although I won't be in exact place again. My mum even said it may be best if we stayed over night before but I refused. I just couldn't bare the thought of staying in a hotel there. Is this normal? And how do I explain to my family I think I have panic attacks and how can they understand what this is like? Thanks for any replies 😀