View Full Version : ALS anxiety

10-10-2015, 09:12 AM
hi my name is Stan, 19 yearsold and am new here. for the past 3 weeks i am very concerned i have ALS. so here's the story:

at first i had a fasciculations in my left arm never had one before and googled muscle fasciculation on google of course ALS came on top of the list, i barely slept that night thinking i might have ALS or some other disease, the next day i had headache on 1 side of my head and it felt like there was something in my ear or something(kinda migraine like headace) this also concerned me alot because my vision got affected as well and could not focus very well. so the day after that the left side of my body felt 'numb' so i googled that as well and my symptoms kinda matched a brain tumor and i panicked again. son went to the doctor and did some testing and bllod work (all was fine) so i was pretty relieved and the headce, vision and ear symptoms went away but the weakness on one side of my body along with twitches stayed so i am stilol concerned i got ALS because these symptoms are very odd and they do match ALS. also my hand are very stiff and i got alot of crams, could all of this be caused by just anxiety or is there somethin else going on? anyone else ever experienced something like this? i am still very worried. i workout alot and live a very hathy lifestyle and am still getting stronger in the gym and stuff but the left side of my body just feels weaker and feels kinda clumsy.

10-13-2015, 04:51 AM
dude I got the most of that stuff... and I go to the gym... I know how it is. Still have muscle twitches... I think ALS can get only older people and it progress really quick so I dont worry about that. You should either.