View Full Version : Advice on seeing a doctor about anxiety

10-09-2015, 10:29 AM
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie here so please forgive me if I make any mistakes when posting or whatever. :)

So the last two years I've been dealing with symptoms of GAD, more so in the last year, I never thought too much about it but recently it's been controlling my life, making me not want to leave the house on occasions, ended me up in tears, worrying about things which aren't even worth worrying about on a daily basis, constantly going out of my way to check things, even going on a 2hour trip to come back straight away after arriving because I talked myself into thinking I'd left my straighteners on, which, of course, I hadn't, anyway I could go on but I know you guys understand! :) Basically I wanted to go to my doctor's however I'm so so so scared of them turning round and say nothing is wrong with me, the scared is so intense that it nearly brings me to tears thinking of it. I can just imagine them brushing me off or not taking me seriously because I am young, well 19.

Can anyone please give me some advice when seeing the doctor, how the process went, what they said and the treatment? And if anyone was or is in the same boat as me, please tell me how you are dealing with it?
Thank you x