View Full Version : Conditional Thoughts

10-09-2015, 04:51 AM
I have come to recognize my mind often reverts to the if/then algorithm when I am overwhelmed by life stuff. If I don't touch the fridge handle twice it will shock me, or if I don't look out of the kitchen window frequently I will be surprised by an unexpected visitor, etc. Most of these are mundane things. I can totally live with the little quirks. Then there there my new inability to sleep if the sun isn't up. Once day breaks, according to my weather app it has to be the time for sunrise, not what I perceive, I can sleep restfully but only with my nighttime playlist playing in the appropriate order.
Here is where I know it gets weird. I am convinced in my panic state that if I fall asleep at night I will not wake up. In light of recent events it's not a complete impossibility to not wake up, but logic dictates the time will have nothing to do with it. But logic and anxiety are not communicating at this time. They had a spat.. again.
How does one face up to obviously erroneous conditional Thoughts and power through them? I know it doesn't make sense, that they are right in line with superstition, but I just can't make the rest of my mind believe it.