View Full Version : Dealing with a little bit of post-traumatic anxiety..

10-08-2015, 01:44 AM
I have hypochondria to an extreme, and I dug myself the hole by getting into the medical field, but it's targeting my health anxiety head on. Was on 3rd shift at our local EMS base a couple nights ago. Cardiac Arrest call came out and I had to do CPR. Made it through with no anxiety, but the after effects are still bothering me. I'm afraid to fall asleep, take any of my anxiety/sleep medication (and I'm also an insomniac). Can anyone give me some advice in compartmentalizing the post traumatic anxiety?

10-08-2015, 02:56 AM
Hi Medic, hope you're doing better. I started medication for anxiety and panic attacks recently. Depramil 20mg. I started on 10mg and after a week I upped my dose to 20mg. The initial side affects are horrible but I managed to get through them and it toned down a bit. I also have sleeping problems because Im afraid I might die in my sleep. I started drinking the sleeping tablets last week and I was just like "**** this ****" and I slept right through, woke up refreshed. But these tablets really keep my anxiety at bay. My advise, get proper rest as lack of sleep can heavily affect your anxiety and panic. Keep well.

10-09-2015, 01:21 PM
I assume you took medicine for the love of it, right? and not just for the cash or prestige. If so, I really do believe you'll work your way through the problems your career in that field is bringing your way.

My favorite author Viktor Frankl said a person can survive any how, as long as they have a why.

Meditation has always been my favorite way of dealing with PTSD-like symptoms. Learning to detach myself from thoughts/feelings/memories has been so important. Having had pretty nasty OCD, I'd always envison razors going across my skin, or remember horrible things like car accidents or personal injuries. Meditation really allowed me to get on top of that, and is simple to do if you don't do it already.