View Full Version : Occipital Pain

10-07-2015, 09:56 PM
I spent a good 10 years cracking my neck on an almost daily basis. Mix this in with gaming for hours at a time, not sleeping right, having "forward head" posture... Well I have basically had ongoing pain that comes and goes for the last 7 years. The pain is sometimes so severe in the back of my head, I become sick to my stomach, dizzy, and it induces panic attacks. I have been to the ER a few times for it. I have a high tolerance to pain as well so you could imagine how painful it is. X-rays showed nothing every time so I was sent to do therapy. It didn't help. I did get a TENS unit from my doctor which does help but I sometimes have to wear it 24/7 to function doing basic tasks. I am in a cycle of anxiety, panic attacks and tension which makes this pain worse.

Long story short, the pain hasn't been bad in awhile and it has been horrible today and on and off for the last 2 weeks or so. Does anyone have experience with occipital pain? I am trying to find something I can do to allow these nerves to heal. I don't want meds, nerve blockers, shots or surgery. I have to sleep with ice on my neck every night or I wake up every hour to 2 hours.

I know my anxiety is part of the reason it hasn't gone away. I tense my shoulders which pull on my neck which stressed my occipital nerves.