View Full Version : Anxiety Disorder (Is it?)

09-10-2008, 05:00 AM
I've spoken to a counselor, she doesn't help. I have anxiety. Since the time I was 13, I've had serious feelings of anxiety. At the time it was winter, and lasted a few weeks, where I had disturbing dreams, my feet went numb, and my vision was entirely cloudy, like being stoned and having a really bad trip out. I was afraid of everything, all the time, mostly disease. Every time i had a wart or a hive break out on my skin, I'd immediately think I was gonna die from a flesh eating disorder.

Then came the insomnia, I could never sleep. Sometimes, when I tried to sleep, just on the verge of sleeping, my body started SHAKING, like seriously SHAKING. So i'd wake up, and walk around to make it stop. It still happens sometimes. The disturbing dreams never go away, seems like every dream i have is really *f---ed* up. One time, for a a week long period, I wouldn't sleep until 4 am, where I would feel my heart (or what I thought was my heart) vibrating. Like shivering. This went away after a while. But freaked me out nonetheless.

I now have hypersomnia. Which is a disorder where i sleep too much. Nearly/Over 13 hours, and still drowsy during the day. Im not sure why this *other* thing is, but I cant keep my hand still. I place my hand away from me, and it shakes lightly. My grandma thinks something happened to my nerves. I also have a social anxiety disorder, talking to people is a real problem, almost a fear. Including my fear of heights, maggots, bacteria, disease, (sometimes men), and parasites. Sometimes when im really afraid, it gets to the point where i start shivering, heavily breathing, stressful knots in my stomach where it feels like my stomach will fall out of me. 50 lb butterflies are swimming in my digestive tract. Something like that, you know?

Also, i have asthma (as a heads up), and allergies. Allergies to milk, penicillin, and band-aids. Sometimes, in the summer, for a month or so, i can feel a tight pressure in my lower ab, stomach/bowel (maybe) region. I thought maybe this might be a problem with IBS (my mother has it, i might too), or a problem with the muscle itself, something to do with my stress, or anxiety. Any thoughts?

Honestly, Id like to feel like me again, without the serious worry i have breaking me down into tears, or the sleep trauma, or even the fear of... everything! I am only 16 by the way, trying to get out as much as possible, and live life. But this only makes it that much more difficult.

(Oh yes, I've found myself to break down, freak out, and start screaming when im REALLY annoyed)

09-10-2008, 01:31 PM
I can only suggest two things:
verify what do you eat, is it healthy, are you missing some nutrition?
Are you allergic to anything? What we ate makes all the difference.
and second thing is go out and enroll to some yoga or even aerobic classes.
Physical afford will help you relax and burn excessive emotions.

09-11-2008, 01:12 AM
ahh thanks. I have a kick boxing tape and a yoga DVD, is that alright?

may i ask, instead of describing the food pyramid to me, can someone please tell me of a diet that might relax my nerves a little? thank you! I ask for dietary help and people always tell me "eat vegetables, eat meat, dont consume so much sugar!"

09-11-2008, 04:59 AM
Hey, I find the whole "change your diet" thing to be too hard for me. But some easy quick fixes that will help you are to cut out as much sugar as possible and to cut out caffeine completely (from soda, coffee, iced tea, chocolate, and even some headache medications). I know that's not the answer you were looking for, but this is the easiest thing to do. Also, be sure to eat regular meals at about the same time every day because if you don't it could affect your blood sugar levels which will in turn affect how you're feeling. Hope that helps a little.

09-11-2008, 06:13 AM
ahh thanks. I have a kick boxing tape and a yoga DVD, is that alright?

may i ask, instead of describing the food pyramid to me, can someone please tell me of a diet that might relax my nerves a little? thank you! I ask for dietary help and people always tell me "eat vegetables, eat meat, dont consume so much sugar!"

hi confused girl! a day or two ago i posted up 2 articles that have just that information in them! you can read them on this board, they're called Nutrition and Anxiety & Hypoglycemia and Anxiety - they both have loads of information on what foods to avoid and what foods to eat more of and the kinds of supplements that can help.

i'll send you the links to the two articles by PM too :)

oh and punkgod hits the nail on the head when he talks about blood sugars and cutting out caffeine and sugar! it worked a miracle for me :)

09-11-2008, 06:21 AM
hmmmm PM doesn't see, to be working at the moment, so i'll try posting those links here


http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/ ... ycemia.htm (http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/articles/hypoglycemia.htm)

09-11-2008, 12:02 PM
Kick Boxing, Yoga all are good but not from DVD, go out and enroll to be with other people. Why? because at home you'll do it few times and that's it, you have to do it systematically. Yoga would be better for you because it works not only on the body but also on mind.

09-11-2008, 10:46 PM
Im checking the diet here, surprisingly enough, a lot of it has been taken care of already, i was reading about the hormones in the meat, my mom found a place where they sell meat without the hormones (it tastes better in my opinion). Salt might be an issue, caffeine isnt really.. lol well that and i eat too much cheese and chocolate (its good, right? hard to stay away from)

I would love to join a yoga/fighting class. If my mom would support me any. im 16, by the way lol Thank you both for the advice!!