View Full Version : help!! tremors or epilepsy

10-07-2015, 11:49 AM
GUYs I really need help!

I am 28 I am from India… I have had panic attack in the past but i never had weak legs,shaky legs and feel a pressure on my chest the most frigtening symptom is a sense of jittery eyes even though my vision is ok…but my eyes are really tired and i feel i need to rest all the time..although I am writing now bcoz my conditions were worst last week..I just want to make sure this is result of anxiety attack and not some pschogenic/conversion disorder …I have lot of weak legs and movement problems while walking my scalp feels nerves are on fire and as i said my eyes feel out of control as if anxiety from behind the brain is doing all sorts of crazy jittery and jerking..is this something to do with my frontal lobe?

the only i want to add is yes i had taruamtnic incident loss of father etc..I was once put un psych ward but purely out of injustice and framing issues i didnt get electroshock but they did give me those dangerous neuroelptic drugs..but i have no history of epilepsy…

SO MY QUESTIONS is is this neurological problem,anxiety attack in different level with tremors or a convulsion?

Is this beginning of something worst ? loss of nerve control? I do feel pressure in head

10-07-2015, 12:00 PM
Please go to the doctors :( rule medical issues out and then go to a therapist to take care of your anxiety. Don't play around with your health and go as soon as you can

10-07-2015, 12:26 PM
Please go to the doctors :( rule medical issues out and then go to a therapist to take care of your anxiety. Don't play around with your health and go as soon as you can

I for got to mention i went to cardiologist,neurologist,general physician..all said it was psychological ….most prescribed me anti anxiety sedatives..but neurologist gave me a nootropic..have i done y best?

10-13-2015, 04:56 AM
I can only say that I have those symptoms. Especially crazy scalp nerves.

10-13-2015, 02:36 PM
This is something that need medical attention. Visit a physician and get checked up. All you need to do for now is engage in activities that will reduce your anxiety such as sports