View Full Version : How long does it take you to recover from an attack of physical symptoms?

10-06-2015, 12:48 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm glad I stumbled upon what looks to be a fantastic supportive community.

For a few weeks I had a lot of stress and worsening insomnia (to the point where I basically wasn't sleeping at all).

Last Saturday it started snowballing. I developed muscle fasciculation (involuntary twitching) in my forearm, my face went numb, my chest was tight, my heart was ppunding, all my joints were either hurting or popping/crunching like rice krispie treats. I was startled at the slightest sounds (especially when trying to sleep), my arms felt like they were buzzing with energy and random brief spasms all over my body would make sleeping impossible. I felt weak all over.

I canceled my business trip and went home to my family. O felt this more or less continuously for a good 48 hours or so before some symptoms started to subside. But now it's been 4 days and I haven't recovered.

The forearm fasciculation continues, my face still feels numb (although I have half of it back now), the muscle spasms at night are diminished but still present. Above all I still feel weak and numb in my arms and shoulders.

They're not physically weak (I think. I'm still able to meet my personal bests in pushups and handstand pushups) but they *feel* weak.

Has anyone here had a delayed sort of recovery? How long does it take you to recover from stressful bouts like this?

10-06-2015, 05:40 PM
I dont really know & think you should go to a doctor, just in case. But maybe I worry too much. I do think you need to sleep properly and to keep yourself from keeping that circle, because I'm sure you're anxious about being like that so it makes you feel worse physically.

Get better soon :(

10-07-2015, 06:21 AM
Thanks, I'm trying my best!