View Full Version : I start a new job tomorow.

10-06-2015, 12:28 AM
I got hired at a Wendys down the street from my home yesterday and I just got back home from training. I officially start work on Wednesday but I have no idea what Im supposed to do. The training showed me almost nothing, not even how to clock in, and my manager or other co workers wouldnt tell me no matter how many times I asked. My training was during evenig hours and I start doing afternoon hours, so I wont know anyone starting on my first day. My paycard provided by the company cant be activated for some reason which means I wont be able to even get paid since Im on direct deposit. I lost a lot of sleep last night over going to training and Im just going to lose even more sleep up until I have to start. Has anyone else gone through this? If so what did you do to get through it?

10-06-2015, 01:21 AM
Someone will be along shortly.

The workforce scares the shit out of me.

Srry I can not help.

10-31-2015, 11:00 PM
How'd it go? By now you've probably figured all that stuff out. I've found that those types of things work themselves out. I've stressed out about new jobs or new tasks at a job. I end up building the situation up bigger than it is. Then everything works out. Sometimes it doesn't go like you planned. Sometimes it ends up being way easier than you thought and you want to kick yourself for putting your body through all that anxiety.

We're all the same; in a way. We all go through first day jitters. Your boss, although you need to be respectful, isn't some scary person who is smarter or better than you. We may be at different levels in the corporate world, but in the real world we're all human.

Don't build it up.