View Full Version : Help Me please.. I think im dying.

09-09-2008, 07:35 PM
I was diagnoses with anxiety recently.. Its fucking horrible.. I'm having a slight attack as i type even.. Ive pretty much lost my life cuz of it.. I no longer see my friends, i don't party anymore, i rarely go out now.. I was never like this. I'm new to this whole anxiety forum thing, i thought id give it shot because i pretty much cant do anything about my illness.. I am 20 yrs of age and my parents insurance recently droped me cuz i dont go to school anymore, so i basically don't take anything for it and i have no sort of treatment.. I steal a couple of valume from my mom every once in awhile but im trying not to get dependent on it.. This is fucking my life up.. I cant do anything.. Ever since i was diagnosed, reason why i got droped ; because they found out i wasent going to school anymore, i started getting chest pain which is normal i know..
But biggest concern is the headaches i get and i always feel like im dying, my left arm always hurts, my whole body just feels like shit.. For the past couple of weeks ive gotten a bad headache, but i get them EVERY DAY.. I looked it up online to see if was cuz my anxiety, but all it did was scare me to death, cuz it all said the same thing (you have a brain tumor) people think im crazy, my gf says im just really stressed out.. I dont know what it is, and i want to know if theres anybody eles who gets headaches everyday pretty much like me (pretty much meaning every once in awhile i dont get them) They go away with advil but sometimes they just end up comming back.. Also how can i deal with this sort illness, i no insurance and cant afford shit right now cuz i just recently lost my job do to my anxiety.. Please help me.

09-09-2008, 07:52 PM
hey dude..im 19 and i suffer from anxiety to..its fucked i know,i always get head aches and dont worry its not a brain tumour or else you wouldnt be sitting on your computer you would be in hospital..i always get those bullshit headaches and the worst in the pain in my left arm i keep thinking a strokes comming on but my blood pressures fine etc..what you have to do is get outside, i know its hard i had trouble getting out but if you dont and just sit at home you may develope arugophobia or however you spell it..and remember anxiety cant kill you i know it took me a long time to reliase that shit, but you gotta remeber to get out with your friends and find a hobbie or some sort, hang in there


09-10-2008, 09:22 AM
Thanks for the surpport cairsman.. i acttully been avoiding from going out recently.. I have a hoobie, its music.. But i cant think of what i can do to go out more cuz all of my friends just drink alott and smoke pot and everytime i do that i freak out and just wanna go home.. this even fucking my realationship up with my gf, i always contesntly think shes cheating on me and it drives her crazy, i always feel like shes hiding something from me, i never use to care before about it but now i go crazy just thinking about it, ive been going out with here for the past year and a half and i dont want to fuck this up.. Is cigarettes a good way to help stress you think?

09-10-2008, 02:23 PM
I would not recommend smoking as the nicotine in them will create highs and lows, which will only make you anxious in turn.

Are you still able to do to the doctor? Have you told your family doctor what you are feeling? I think that would be a good start.