View Full Version : Deja vu.

10-03-2015, 09:05 PM
Ever make a discovery only to find someone else has too. Like flying, people on different continents discover the principle of lift that allows a heavier than air machine to stay up. They don't even know each other.
So there you are so proud of your discovery only to discover someone else is selling the same idea.
Over five years I spent researching the brain and come up with some interesting discoveries. I can't wait to tell my Therapist. She just smiles, she already knows all this. I wonder if she set me up to find this on my own.. You know, related things on the net. Or if it was just logic. Who cares, it works. But I want to share this. Problem is that it is different, probably why it works. It is different so it gets ridiculed. I don't care anymore because I found it on the net by a doctor and it is free there. I can quit banging my head agains the wall. I can let someone else take the flack. I can go back to research. So where is it, right under your nose. I'm going to down load it and see how close we are.