View Full Version : A question Please help!!

10-02-2015, 07:11 PM
For the past week I have basically not moved, not gone anywhere, not gotten out if bed basically just to use the bathroom. Yes this is related to my anxiety, I just dont enjoy anything. Anywho today was my first day back to work and I was moving around more in 4 hours than I have moved all week. My heart decided it wanted to skip beats all day often multiple times in an hour this put me in a full blown panic attack which of course made them worse. I have had heart palpitations before and I have had an ekg and had my heart monitored and it all came back clear and good.
So my question is because I was stationary for days then suddenly started moving around a lot and being physical would that possibly increase my palps and therefore my anxiety?

I have to go to work agaim tomorrow and im pretty much terrified.

10-02-2015, 07:35 PM
This is just my opinion. not meant to be medical advice.

First off palps are not a problem, they are normal compensations. I get them, even on medication for them. I've been on medication about 20 years. At first they never even showed on EKG, they were that infrequent. I'm taking Atenolol which does nothing for anxiety. Propranolol is for anxiety, but I don't know how well it works for palps. Some people swear by it for anxiety though.
These are beta blockers. Personally I think propranolol is worth asking your Doc about.

10-02-2015, 08:12 PM
This is just my opinion. not meant to be medical advice.

First off palps are not a problem, they are normal compensations. I get them, even on medication for them. I've been on medication about 20 years. At first they never even showed on EKG, they were that infrequent. I'm taking Atenolol which does nothing for anxiety. Propranolol is for anxiety, but I don't know how well it works for palps. Some people swear by it for anxiety though.
These are beta blockers. Personally I think propranolol is worth asking your Doc about.

Thank you Davit, that was reasuring I will ask abot the beta blockers, if i can just get them under control it would be easier to handle my attacks, because they are almost direct triggers

10-02-2015, 09:25 PM
I know the feeling, beta blockers slowed me down a little but I felt much calmer on them. I mean, i could function, just not run marathons or ride my bike 50 miles in as short of a time. But that was 20 years ago. I've had anxiety all my life except the last ten years.