View Full Version : chest spasm anxiety

10-02-2015, 06:53 AM
hey well I have suffered anxiety for a good few years I dont want to go on medication so I just deal with it...
Over time it has evolved and now I start to feel chest spasms... because this is new to me and quite scary I just want to seek reassurance of should I be concerned before I go to the next step for medical help... Its a chest spasm around the left chest.. it comes for a few seconds then goes away... then 30 seconds later it comes again...
sometimes its ok for awhile...
what are ways to deal with it...
do other people suffer this?
and I have real tight throat all the time...
how do I deal with this...

geeze anxiety is the worst thing ever...

10-05-2015, 05:46 PM

I had chest and esophagus spasms when I first was dealing with my anxiety issues. That's been almost 15 years ago now. They can be quite scary to say the least. Unfortunately, I can not remember any one particular thing that got them to stop. I can reassure you though that muscle tension and spasms are very common with people that have anxiety disorders. Try not to focus on the symptom but more on what is getting you so tense.

Hope that helps a little?

10-06-2015, 04:12 AM

I had chest and esophagus spasms when I first was dealing with my anxiety issues. That's been almost 15 years ago now. They can be quite scary to say the least. Unfortunately, I can not remember any one particular thing that got them to stop. I can reassure you though that muscle tension and spasms are very common with people that have anxiety disorders. Try not to focus on the symptom but more on what is getting you so tense.

Hope that helps a little?

wow... I was reading the forums a lot and it helped heaps... I was reading about how one poster described anxiety and how its the punch that never delivers, and how it never eventuates into anything... about how anxiety is just a big laugh really... that the steps to solve anxiety help, so I gave it ago...
I gave my chest spasms no time, I laughed at it and smiled when I got them, and eventually the punch that does not deliver has started to remove itself from me, and I am healing and feeling a lot better... Its always hard when anxiety forms in a different way or form, but I guess from now on I have to act as if its meant to be its meant to be and Im not going to fight for something unreal like anxiety...
i feel very powerful and starting to come together after a few years of anxiety driven fuel...