View Full Version : Hello

10-02-2015, 12:24 AM
Hello, I am new to this forum. I used to get quite anxious when I had to be with people. I am an only child, never the 'cool one' at school. Later I realised I am an introvert in terms of personality, so it makes sense to be uncomfortable about being in situations which drain me. Strangely, that really helps and I can deal with most situations I need to whilst my default is to seek solitude as soon as is possible. Later I trained in NLP and hypnotherapy and found those approaches and tools also helped. The most useful approach for me though is mindfulness. Anxiety for me seems to be a movable feast . For example a few months ago I went back to cycling after maybe 30 years of not riding. I could hear thoughts worrying about crossing against the traffic and so on. Riding daily I just do it and it doesn't bother me. Now I would quite like to have a motorbike again and I can hear other thoughts worrying through my mind!! It helps to know they are just thoughts that have a feeling rather than information about the world

Regards to all,

10-03-2015, 02:00 PM
Even though im fairly new to this forum, just want to stop by and say welcome :)

10-03-2015, 06:28 PM
Embrace all victories and achivements, no matter how small they might seem :) The mind does its thing but it's just rambling, we have to fight against it.
Very nice to meet you & hope we enjoy our stay here, as I'm new as well :)

10-15-2015, 10:36 AM
Yes! Welcome to the forum, some great people in here.