View Full Version : I will try some TEA

09-30-2015, 02:30 PM
Hello everyone,

I discovered the site a few hours ago, by searching for anxiety forum. I saw that the TEA forms by Sam Obitz is mentioned often, I had never heard aboyut it before, I was able to find out what it's about, I just started giving it a try.

I also know about David Burns' techniques from Feeling Good and Panic Attack.

I hope to be able to apply whatever works for me in a consistent manner.


09-30-2015, 08:44 PM
Strange I am here over two or three years and never heard about it........

09-30-2015, 09:44 PM
I believe TEA forms was mentioned on the NMP site. It should work, and I can see no reason why it can't. There is a similar form of this on the PC site in their program. Basically challenging thoughts, a part of CBT.

10-01-2015, 03:08 AM
Damn, I thought this thread was going to be about the delicious thirst quenching beverage..

10-01-2015, 08:48 AM
Strange I am here over two or three years and never heard about it........

I love to read self-help books, so I went to the Resources threads first, that's where I saw it as I was looking for mentions of David Burns.

10-01-2015, 08:49 AM
Damn, I thought this thread was going to be about the delicious thirst quenching beverage..

I didn't mean for the thread to be deceptive, I thought TEA was known by everyone around here, my bad...

10-01-2015, 10:48 AM
But there are some good relaxing teas and one even that is very close to Ativan in effect. So Mist could search Lemon Balm and have tea to go with TEA.

10-02-2015, 01:11 PM
But there are some good relaxing teas and one even that is very close to Ativan in effect. So Mist could search Lemon Balm and have tea to go with TEA.
That is complety nonsence , no herb is similar to ativan. Maybe lemon grass but you would have to drink a gallon to get similar effect. I am trained herbalist, i use herbs a lot but still suffer with anxiety and insomnia, I am on meds. Teas can help you to relax a bit but, when people come here, they usually are not cured by herbs. Davit you must be very young person:) Welcome to the forum

10-02-2015, 02:03 PM
Dahlia, you are a herbalist, but not a doctor. So tell me why valerian root works like a mild form of valium. Lemon balm was recommended to me ten years ago to replace my Ativan dependence by my Doctor. Since then I have been growing it because it is not easy to get in quality. You know it is a member of the mint family and they are known for calming.
Nothing is like Ativan, it is a short half life drug and very dangerous. Lemon balm does not work for those that need a large dose benzo, no herb will other than possibly large doses of Valerian root. My bipolar friend does this because lemon balm isn't strong enough. So I will say it again, in effect for me two cups of Lemon Balm tea will shut down anxiety as well as 1mg of Ativan. You do not live in my body so can not dispute this. Please do not treat me like an idiot, I'm 64 years old and have spent ten years studying this disorder. So I'l say this if someone gets relief using any of the mints, camomile, valerian or evening primrose, why discourage them. I was a sceptic to rescue remedy, how can a flower calm but it does. I grow Lemon Balm and Valerian. Neither of which work for some people. I thank God for Lemon Balm because I will never touch Ativan again. My usual evening tea is tetley's Ginger mint. Not common and the store here brings it in for me.
One final comment, nothing works if you believe it won't, even Ativan.
I'm sorry if this post sounds aggressive, it is not meant to be. And it is totally only my point of view.

10-02-2015, 03:44 PM
Welcome to the forum DaviT.

What matters most is knowing what works for ourselves. It's good if what you say works for you. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/bravo-clapping-smiley-emoticon.gif

However one sure fire way to create anxiety, it to keep repeating oneself. :)

I get what your saying.

Personally, I love the placebo effect. The very powerful thing that often yields the most important result. Unfortunately - debates see such positive results short lived.

Dahila is very knowledgeable and has taught me much.

Hi Dahila ... srry I got to go ... I am back :)

Have missed you very much.

Again - Welcome DaviT ... I would like to join later if I may.

I love herbs and have missed them too.

Lemon Balm and Lavender flowers works wonders for me - Perhaps again .. Placebo ... but whatever works for one is best.

Each to their own.

Have a farmers Market to attend ... back later.


10-02-2015, 05:17 PM
Placebo effect is an accepted thing in therapy so even if it is that only it is still affective. A neighbour of mine raised herbs commercially, he and his son got very mellow washing Valerian root without gloves. I do not mind people disagreeing with me as long as I'm given the same choice. This is a forum. I once grew Catnip and my cats hated it, but they love smelly Marigolds. Even cats don't always agree.

10-02-2015, 06:28 PM
Valerian root is really good but you can not use it longer than two weeks, it did nothing to me. Just on the side note, I am grandma and veteran of the anxiety wars, there absolutely nothing i had not tried :))

10-02-2015, 07:22 PM
My plants are not three years old yet but I read the leaves can be made into tea. Next year I will dig the roots. I tried Dandelion root for arthritis, Can't say it helped. Passion flower didn't seem to do much either. Grew Camomile one year, it just made me sleepy.

As for just tea to drink, I like labrador tea, it grows wild here. It has a caution on it too. I've tried willow bark, blue berry, raspberry leaf. I like comfrey with lemon and brown sugar. A caution on that too. I have licorice hysop. Don't know what to do with that. I have tons of rose hips too. I grew chicory but never did anything with it. Grew stevia too.
Non tea herbs I grow are Basil, Oregano, Summer Savoury, Sage, Thyme, parsley and Rosemary. I grow Cayenne, but it isn't a herb.

I also have things you would not make tea out of. Monks Hood and Water Hemlock.