View Full Version : I want to help you

09-30-2015, 12:07 PM

09-30-2015, 11:17 PM
Hi everyone :)

I have been thinking recently, really how much anxiety has impacted, damaged and effected my life... in a bad way. I just really want to help others going through what I am, I really know what it is like and I have had every symptom, thought and feeling (due to anxiety), in the book.

If you need any support, reassurance or just someone to talk too: Drop me a text 07762938462.
I am a really good listener, I love chatting, helping others and I am really friendly :)

Do you also help with household chores? Can I ring the number and have you come over and do ironing for me? :)

Lots of the guys from this forum are actually on Facebook. If you love helping, I'll add you on there and you can add the crew?

10-03-2015, 06:04 PM
This is my goal here too.not only to deal with my SH*t but help with people with The things I've been through. No one is alone :)
You're a very kind person