View Full Version : Lymphoma Fear

09-29-2015, 08:14 AM
I have lost count of all the symptoms I have had that have been anxiety but my latest thing is all over body itching for the last week. A itch on my leg for example and then my arm then my head and it isn't all the time and gets worse if I concentrate on it. It doesn't really happen at the gym or keep me awake at night. I am worried as I read its a symptom of lymphoma. my lymph nodes aren't swollen and I feel great I trained 6 days last week. I had a full blood count at the end of April that was perfect. Does anyone know what itching is like with lymphoma and is the main symptom large swollen lymph nodes. Spoke to my gp would says anxiety and doesn't feel a new blood test is needed and if it was lymphoma more than likely something would have shown in the blood test in April plus I would have other symptoms. Am I being an anxiety driven lunatic ?