View Full Version : unbalanced feeling in small spaces

09-28-2015, 04:32 PM
hey everyone I'm new here, first post. I definitely need to talk to somebody so I am writting this :)

I definitely have anxiety and minor depression for a few years that comes and goes in waves, I had the most common symptoms like panic attacks, fast heart rate, palpatations, lump in throat, tingling in fingerprints etc. I always managed to overcome all that and to be ok for a while. I have to say that my family definitely has that problems also, grandmother battled with depression for half of her life, brother had anxiety and panic attacks with depression, also father has it now for almost 2 years. Mother is the only strong one in this house :)

But I wanted to say this, from this spring I battled with minor anxiety and it passed, I think I always have it in spring don't know why... but I was good for a while and than big tragedy happened in my family, my cousin died very young from heart problems, he had heart attack and stroke very young. That had big impact on me, first of all, of course its a big stress and tragedy and I feel very very sorry, but I am strong or "strong" I don't show my emotions ever, I don't cry etc. Maybe that is problem of course. Few days, week after that I became self conscious about my health and I have varicose vein in leg so I was scared about that, even though I didnt have any problems with that ever. I went to dr, she gave me medications for that, that was big stress for me I though it was serious but it isn't... I didn't went out of the house, I was sad for my cousin and scared for me, stressed out all the time, depressed and I knew anxiety symptoms are going to happen anytime.

The symptoms are trembling feeling that isnt visible, shaky feeling in my back, legs, butt cheeks, back of head like my head is vibrating (I read that that is called brain zaps?)... usually when Im resting, laying or sitting.

Second is stiff and tight neck with clogged ears, I had that before. Heavy head, cant keep it on my neck.

And feeling unsteady, off balanced, like Im on boat or standing in bus, sometimes I feel like my feet or floor is like rubber, weak legs... That happens in small spaces, heigh spaces (I have fear of heights) this feels like normal times 10, and in supermarkets, gym.. big crowded spaces. Feeling like Im going to fall down or gravity is pulling me down but I never did. I feel like fight or flight response is non stop with me. I dont feel scared or in panic when that happens.

And there ary blurry eyes, lump in throath occasionally.

(I read tons of google and it seems that these syptoms are usuall)

Does anyone have this symptoms?
How you deal with them or how to heal them?
I know I have anxiety disorder but reassure me pls :)

Thanks, and my english is not very good :)