View Full Version : Why does it always come back?

09-26-2015, 12:56 PM
Ok so I've been suffering from anxiety since 2009, on and off. The anxiety has turned into dp and now its sort of my life style.

It all started with depression and then it turned into something else, i am under meds, whenever i try stopping it gets worse then i go up a few doses, then it becomes stable.....and the vicious circle continues.

Over the years i have become extremely self conscious, irritable and sad. Ive lost so much self confidence that my self esteem is really low.

Th good thing is I have ....even during hard times... accomplished A LOT.

My question is WHY OH WHY does it always come back, ??? Heres the patterns of my sickness, tell me if you can relate

-Feeling good, completely forgotten about my anxiety
-lots of stress in life (be it a new job, family issues....ect)
stress eventuqlly takes a toll on me
-I become irritable and withdraw from social life
-BOOM anxiety: panic attack, heart palipations, scared, anxiety, obstrutive ideas, OCD....depersanalization
-I eventually get sick and tired of it all and get up off my ass
-Its a rocky start and LOADS of crying
-It gets better, worse, better worse
-It gets better and I continue with life as if nothing happened.......UNTIL .......IT ALL COMES BACK

i MEAN WN4T I EVER GET CURED? it has crippled me, paralysed me and it still wants more, how can i possibly deal with, do people REALLY get cured?????

I don't think S, i think people just THINK they are better until it comes back.........AAAARGH i hate myself, and this horrible sickness