View Full Version : Hi new here looking for support

09-25-2015, 09:16 PM
Hi guys new to the forums

For my whole life ive been the big "manly" guy, tough exterior and hiding my emotions.
In truth ive always been a sensitive guy at heart, but i never express those emotions mainly because i felt i could bear it all and be the rock, i didn't want to appear weak in front of family and friends.

however this facade came crashing down this year, ive started to get severe anxiety and have had ongoing sleep problems for last 5-6 months (sleeping 4-6 broken hours a night, with no naps)

ive been seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist for last few months too, and overall im on the lower end of the anxiety spectrum im
aware there are people suffering to a greater extent than me
ive only used about 10 pills of .25mg alprazolam in the last 2 or so months so about 1 a week when i had a hard time falling asleep.

the latest thing that has set me off is my parents going on overseas

i keep thinking the plane will crash, they will suffer some medical condition (ie heart attack or DVT etc), i wont get to see them again, all the usual anxiety related stuff. this is compounded by the fact i am a medical student so have a good understanding of disease process and the fact my parent are the typical middle aged, obese, diabetic, smokers etc. so im really worried for their health. not to mention i go searching journal articles/pubmed/google scholar for everything and drive myself insane.

apart from that im not sure how i will cope without my parents here, they are the only people i see on a regular basis, i dont have any people i could say is a best friend like you see on movies or even close friends, everyone i know is more of an acquaintance.

09-27-2015, 06:48 PM
Hi guys new to the forums

For my whole life ive been the big "manly" guy, tough exterior and hiding my emotions.
In truth ive always been a sensitive guy at heart, but i never express those emotions mainly because i felt i could bear it all and be the rock, i didn't want to appear weak in front of family and friends.

however this facade came crashing down this year, ive started to get severe anxiety and have had ongoing sleep problems for last 5-6 months (sleeping 4-6 broken hours a night, with no naps)

ive been seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist for last few months too, and overall im on the lower end of the anxiety spectrum im
aware there are people suffering to a greater extent than me
ive only used about 10 pills of .25mg alprazolam in the last 2 or so months so about 1 a week when i had a hard time falling asleep.

the latest thing that has set me off is my parents going on overseas

i keep thinking the plane will crash, they will suffer some medical condition (ie heart attack or DVT etc), i wont get to see them again, all the usual anxiety related stuff. this is compounded by the fact i am a medical student so have a good understanding of disease process and the fact my parent are the typical middle aged, obese, diabetic, smokers etc. so im really worried for their health. not to mention i go searching journal articles/pubmed/google scholar for everything and drive myself insane.

apart from that im not sure how i will cope without my parents here, they are the only people i see on a regular basis, i dont have any people i could say is a best friend like you see on movies or even close friends, everyone i know is more of an acquaintance.

Hello and welcome, I wish I had some advice for you, I am a mother of 2 beautiful boys, 3 & 7 and I fear every time I drop my oldest at school and my youngest at the sitter that something terrible may happen! I am someone who has to keep busy, I find my day goes by pretty fast and it keeps my mind from wondering :)
Again welcome and I wish you the best of luck :)