View Full Version : its crazy how one event can help

09-23-2015, 06:20 PM
Hey guys! It has been a while since I posted here.. the last thing I let you guys know what that my husband I were divorcing.. So here is an update. :)

Almost 3 week ago I moved into my own apartment. My best friend lives almost next door to me.. She actually helped me get a deal with the landlord, he was willing tp work around my situation and get the money thing sorted out so I could have my own place to go. My best friend has just been.. amazing.. during this time. She has been there for me A LOT the last few weeks.

I started a new job as well. Honestly, I feel SO lucky to have gotten this job. I work for an amazing doctor and my coworkers are just great as well. Really a place I could see myself at until I retire(many years from now... haha.:)

The divorce... well, it has been an up and down process. We have mostly sorted things out civilly.. The house will be sold... and the two vehicles we own together will just be split down the middle. We haven't filed for the divorce yet because of the fee, but will be doing so next week.. After that it will be 90 days until I am free from that chapter of my life.

My anxiety has taken the back seat for the most part. The first week I moved into my own place was hard- I have NEVER lived by myself before so it was a big adjustment. I didn't sleep.. I cried a few nights.

But I am back to being ME. I feel free.. I feel happy 99.9% of the time. I am more sad to have lost the person I married to begin with, then to have lost the man he became. It's letting go of that life I had pictured with him... I don't miss him, I miss who he used to be. And Im sure in some ways he feels the same way about me.. I'm just grateful we are nice to each other and can handle this like adults. I learned a lot the last 5 years of my marriage.. There are some days I wish I could take it all back and have never done it... but at the same time I know it helped me become the person I am now... And I like who I am now.

For the first time in a few years, I have a handle on my life. I feel happy. I feel free. I have confidence.

I can do whatever the fuck I want.

It feels great.

Thank you guys for all your support you gave me during my rough time. I am not going to disappear completely... but my presence on here will be a lot less. You guys are all amazing and I couldn't have gotten through one of the hardest times of my life without this forum. It was and still is my safe place.

09-24-2015, 01:21 AM
Awesome news!

Embrace the peace.