View Full Version : Citraplam Withdrawl

09-23-2015, 02:19 AM
Hi I have been on Citraplam 20mg for 2 years and am slowly weaning myself of as I have been feeling great and after a chat with my GP decided to see how I would go coming off the meds. I suffer from Health Anxiety. Down to 5mg now but the last few days my skin has felt sensitive, itchy and a prickly type feeling. Does anyone know if this is a withdrawl symptom ?

09-23-2015, 06:04 AM
It definitely sounds like one.

How has withdrawal gone for you in general?

09-23-2015, 06:07 AM
It definitely sounds like one.

How has withdrawal gone for you in general?

Not to bad I went cold turkey 6 months ago and lasted about a week and went back on them it was brutal. When I reduced to 10mg I felt a little off swooshing head but now have prickly skin. Spoke to my gp who said up the dosage again to see if it goes away but I don't want to because I am determined to get off these. Of course it could just be an anxiety symptom that I am over focussing on