View Full Version : Health Anxiety

09-22-2015, 07:44 PM
Over the years I have had a lot of tests done for certain things. recently last week I had a CT scan, chest x-ray and a VQ scan because of chest pains. they seemed to not have found anything, but I am still concerned its my heart and that there is an anyersim somewhere on my aorta or some impending heart attack. that week I had a lot of radiation which scares me. over the past 7 years I have had a total of 7 ct scans, 3 x rays ( 2 on chest and one for my scolosis) so now I am sure I am going to get cancer from all this raditaion. how much is too much? I am not sure how rational I am being. and I am just really hoping my heart is ok, I had an echiocardgram done and it was normal then 3 days later I started having the chest pains on and off on both sides for almost 2 weeks, which prompted me to the ER and my cardiiolgist for follow ups from the ER. any feed back would be great.

09-22-2015, 08:20 PM
According to this, you haven't yet reached the threshold for an increased risk of cancer.

Your body can recover as well since you aren't having consistent exposure.

And you are waaaaay far away from having a "whopping" 5% chance increase.

These procedures are safe when done correctly.

09-23-2015, 05:32 AM
the 7 cts in total were done over 6 1/2 years, I was just concerned because last week I had things going on and they needed to do a chest x ray, then the following week I had to get a ct of the lungs and a vq scan x ray of the lungs done two days apart from each other. someone told me that was a lot of radiation and I will probably come down with some kind of cancer in a few months or later this week for next years