View Full Version : Health Anxiety / Depression

09-21-2015, 04:32 PM
Hi Everyone,

I hope I am posting under the right subject. I apologize if I'm not.

I am a 25 year old married female with 2 young children. I have been a stay at home Mom for 3 years and my husband has a great job and we live comfortably. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for my whole life but in 2010, watching a loved one slowly and painfully die from MS, I developed severe health anxiety. After therapy, medication and a change in lifestyle I was able to conquer it to a level I could function and live a semi-regular life. However, I have recently "relapsed" into a downward spiral. 8 months ago my cousin whom I was very close with and loved dearly died from lung cancer at 31. It was completely unexpected, little to no symptoms, and I went from eating out at restaurants and shopping with her, to sitting at her funeral in 6 weeks. Since then, it has crippled me again. However this time it is deeply affecting others, now that I have children. I obsess something is wrong with me. I am anxious, tense, afraid and certain I am dying all day long. My back hurts, I google my symptoms, and diagnose myself with lung cancer. My shoulder hurts, it's heart disease. I have slowly begun gaining weight again, I am distancing myself from those I love. I can't live like this. I obsess constantly over my symptoms. I had a c-section 8 months ago, and know I am still recovering from that, along with being anxious and panicked all day long, I feel many aches and pains. In my jaw, chest, head, back, everywhere. I get lost in my phone, sometimes crying and panicking, over what is wrong with me. I see a new counseller tomorrow that I hope can help me.

Has anyone else suffered from health anxiety? How did you treat it? Did it ever really end? :(

I am losing touch with myself again, I can feel the grounded and level headed part of me slipping away again. Hope someone has been through this before.

09-22-2015, 03:03 AM
Hope your feeling a little better.....

I'm not sure if there is anything anyone can say that will make you feel better right now.......especially since you have been dealing with this your whole life. I, too, have struggled with anxiety and depression almost my whole life and I'm 45. We both know that we are our own worst enemy......Health anxiety is a real bummer, because every ache or pain you have is the end of your life; at least you feel that way. It really brings it home when someone close to you dies, especially suddenly. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin; I can't imagine how hard that was for you. My wife lost her mother and father within 90 days each other this past summer and it has really kicked my health anxiety into high gear. What I try to remember is that worrying about what MIGHT happen is only stealing away the precious things life has to offer now. How is worrying about your health going to add one day to your life? Try forgetting about what might happen and work on what is really the issue............health anxiety and depression. 40 years from now we will look back and realize all of the time that anxiety has stolen from us and regret that we gave it so much power. Try to smile more..........enjoy your family............and let life move forward with no regrets!

09-22-2015, 04:35 AM
Hi Iruggy, i also suffer from Health Anxiety. I am 50 years old with 3 young children and yes it can be debilitating. There is a very good stickie in the general section of this forum i think you should read It's called HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED. Start from the beginning and go through it, Watch the videos too. It does help but its not a cure all. I know what your going through, i really do. Peace
i will bump up the sticky so its at the top

09-22-2015, 11:35 AM
You can read about a lot individual's battles with health anxiety (including my own) here:


It may help some.

You will find peace again.

09-22-2015, 02:07 PM
Wow - thank you so much for the replies everyone. It is very settling to know others suffer with this daily. This morning I woke up feeling okay, but by 11:30 AM was in tears of worry again. It just sickens me and feels like I will live like this forever. I will review all the info you guys have sent me way. Thank you so much. =)