View Full Version : Questions About Anti-Anxiety Medication

09-21-2015, 02:25 PM
I feel rather awkward posting this, but since a friend suggested I may get the answers I'm seeking here this is my best bet.

I'm a writer who is currently working on a story that stars a teenager who deals with panic attacks. I want to ensure I am writing the character as accurately as possible and not giving a false idea of what anxiety attacks are like to readers.

I want to find out how anti-anxiety medication works for people, particularly medication that is designed to be taken as needed as opposed to every day. What sort of effect does it have on you? If you take your medication after experiencing an attack, what do you experience prior to and after taking the medication? How long does it take to have an effect? Have you ever had an second attack within a period of one to three hours following taking medication? If not, generally how long does medication last for preventing attacks?

For anyone who has doubts regarding if I'm a writer or if I'm going to use this knowledge appropriately, I would be happy to share information on the story I am making, the medium it will be created it and even show what currently exists for it. I want to ensure people know I'm legit about this. If you look up my username on Google, everything should direct to my accounts on sites like tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, deviantArt, etc.

Thank you in advance to anyone that is willing to share their experiences.

If people are uncomfortable with my questions, I completely understand. In that situation, I will withdraw the questions and do my best to find the answers elsewhere.

09-21-2015, 05:49 PM
My own personal experience:

I'm currently on celexa. Before starting, I was agoraphobic & could barely leave the house. I would feel anxious the entire time if I did. Now I can leave no problem. The thoughts are still there like what if I panic? But the symptoms are not. This is when I need to look into CBT & change the way I think.

Fast acting benzo I like is Xanax. I will start to feel hot all over my body & my heart will race. That's when I take the Xanax. It works instantly for me. I think just knowing I'm taking it, calms me down. It relaxes you so you don't feel the physical anxiety. I take my Xanax with me everywhere. Just knowing I have it with me is relieving. The Xanax for me lasts about 3 hours.

Hope this was helpful!