View Full Version : Wonder if anyone feels the same- new here.

09-21-2015, 10:31 AM
Hey I'm an 18 year old guy and I have been suffering from some form of SA for like 2/3ish years. Most times when there is a social event like a party or even just going to a bar, I have a sudden feeling in my stomach the either ends up making me physically throw up or diarrhoea. I've had my first meeting with a therapist like 2 weeks ago, can't say I'm very positive about it, seems like a waste of money but what do I know? The only cure I have found is that I once had pre drinks with one friend before a party, got tipsy, and I was fine haha. Any of you got any suggestions? my local doctor said medication "should be given further down the line"... Well I've had it for my prime social years 16-18ish. Can I really wait much longer?.

09-21-2015, 02:15 PM
I have both anxiety and depression and have found seeing a therapist to be quite helpful but different things work for different people. I have some issues going to social events and such so my therapist has helped me figure out ways to slowly adjust back into hanging around friends and such. I'm not saying that things are perfect but they are much better than they used to be. I utilize a combination of meds, therapy and coping skills to deal with my anxiety.
I'm guessing that your doctor said that medication should be given "down the line" because they want to see if perhaps therapy or coping skills can help before medication is added to the mix. Treating anxiety can be trial and error because some therapies/meds work for some people while others have to try different methods.

09-21-2015, 03:36 PM
Even if talk therapy works for you, jmt, it's a slow process. Since you're having serious anxiety issues, it should be treated as quickly as possible. That's where psychiatric medications come in.

09-21-2015, 07:43 PM
Yeah, but sometimes what they prescribe you ends up effecting another part of your mind or body. You can't truly rely on what it is they give just because they have the title of a 'Dr.' Lol. What you should do is research and look up your symptoms and compare them to the one's your Doctor said you had. Then after that, just think of your solutions that are at hand. You could rely on your meds or what your Doctor says, or you can find out for yourself and then discuss it with your Doctor to see what other options it is that can be made available.

Drinking should never be a solution, though. But that's just me.

09-22-2015, 09:36 AM
I've had 3 sessions with my therapist, not much I know. But all it seems to be is asking questions that I have no idea how to answer, and me saying a lot of "I don't know" for an hour. I have no other symptoms, I can talk to people well, have no problem with conversations but I get this ridiculous intense-butter fly like effect in my stomach which CAN result in me being sick.

09-22-2015, 10:09 AM
Oh to be 18 again..:rolleyes:

That was a cancer free year for me..:D

Your just nervous, as you get older and experience more of life and find yourself in more and interesting and varied and unexpected situations, those feelings will subside.

09-22-2015, 05:34 PM
I'd be careful with the alcohol. In college I would get anxiety a lot at night and just drink to the point I wouldn't think about it anymore... which for me was a couple drinks before blackout lol.

That amount of alcohol leads to more problems than solutions.