View Full Version : "Pick me up" Jars

09-21-2015, 09:31 AM
I have an idea for a product to sell. It's a "pick me up" jar. It would be a mason jar filled with small scrolls with unique messages. Each message would be something to help make you feel better. They would probably be focused on mental illness and dealing with difficult times. They could possibly be two separate ones. What do you think of this idea? Would you buy it? How could you improve it? How much should be in each mason jar? How much would you pay? If you have anything that might help please say so.

09-21-2015, 01:53 PM
I like that idea. I've heard that one of the concepts from DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) is a self soothing kit where you place things that make you happy like photographs and other items that represent happy memories from your life. My psych recently brought up the idea that I might want to make one for when my anxiety gets really high or when I'm having a really hard day.
I've also heard of people taking jars and filling them with pieces of paper that have their positive attributes listed on them or compliments. Perhaps you could market it as a kit where people could buy the kit and make it/personalize it themselves?