View Full Version : Desperate for advice...anything

09-18-2015, 07:26 PM
ETA: I should mention, prior to what I'm describing, I never had a problem with anxiety to this extent. Fear of dentist, hatred of making phone calls, that sort of thing, but nothing that interfered with my life much at all.

Long story short: Heart palpitations in July, prescribed Metoprolol, after a week started noticing anxiety, no known external cause, after 5 weeks of gradually worsening, on-and-off anxiety, it got much worse, including palpitations, then *extreme*-- sobbing, helpless, barely functioning. Stopped Metoprolol, two awful days, then had a cup of valerian and linden flower tea, felt better. Symptoms gradually improved. 4 days after stopping Metoprolol, started taking Levothyroxin (synthetic thyroid hormone).

Two weeks later, wore a 48 hour Holter monitor to help diagnose palps. First day okay, bit anxious, not unusual. Second day hideous. Slept hardly at all, anxiety, palpitations (actually, they were happening all along), virtually no sleep, highly stressed, and itchy/rash from the monitor tape. Finally ripped off monitor 3.5 hours early (called office, said it was okay), that helped with the anxiety a bit. Throughout the day though, the anxiety is coming in waves, and it's very intense.

Valerian doesn't seem to be working any more. In fact, it might make it worse. I'm trying skullcap--not sure if it's helping or not. Been taking Linden flower tea fairly regularly (mainly for palps). Not sure if it's helping much, but I'm pretty sure it's not making things worse.

Dh is mostly very supportive, but sometimes he gets impatient, esp. when he's tired or accidentally eats wheat (allergic--also makes him very grouchy). But, he has to go to work sometimes, and I feel terrible making him come home. It's not like we can afford for him not to work.

When I try to sleep, I doze off then jerk awake, like a burst of anxiety. This happens over and over. It's very hard to get any sleep. I had been doing okay, mostly until the Holter monitor.

Could the Levothyroxin be causing a problem? Seems unlikely, also it's a tiny dose (.05 mg). Maybe the Metoprolol wasn't really causing the anxiety? I don't know...I'm feeling lost, confused, scared, and like doctors are not helping at all.

Any advice? Thoughts? Anything?

09-18-2015, 08:59 PM
Hey there,

Sorry you're going through this. Anxiety can be completely debilitating. Check out stuff by Claire Weekes.. She seems really old-fashioned but she was way ahead of her time and is still ahead of most doctors now when it comes to anxiety. I wish I'd known about her 20 years ago.

Here's something to start with...


All the best,
Gypsy x

09-19-2015, 08:14 AM
Thanks, I'll try to watch it all.

This just sucks so bad. i don't know how people live with this. I feel so useless.

09-19-2015, 09:49 AM
I know.. There is stuff you can do though. Diaphragmatic breathing has helped me a lot.