View Full Version : Will this get any worse?

09-18-2015, 01:25 AM
All these years, around 16 or probably longer, I`ve been dealing with anxiety and health anxiety but never had any serious issues. Well freaking out on a plane does not qualify as serious in my book. I used to have episodes that lasted for a few month, dizzyness, lightheadedness, brain fog etc. But this time round I`ve reached a new milestone of 9 month and counting. With physical symptoms getting worse. Especially the cognitive decline is worrying me a lot. I have long spells where I can`t concentrate but this might suddenly change to back to normal for a short spell or sometimes a few days, have memory problems, getting easily angry, feeling detached from my surrounding. The strange thing though is I never have any trouble sleeping, never had in the past either. I feel like the bed is the only place safe and comfortable. I`m really worried how much worse this all might get.

09-18-2015, 07:33 AM
Sadly it may do. I had the symptoms you described religiously for 4 years. Every minute of every hour I'd be in a haze so intense it was impossible to think. I guess I don't need to tell you my life became a complete and utter train wreck. :)

Ultimately, what you describe is a symptom of intense stress, so it can be worked on. You usually only suffer these psychosomatic ailments (such as cognitive problems) when your emotions have become so strong your body isn't processing them properly anymore. Sometimes the anxiety disorder itself can become so frustrating a person begins to feel this way. Often, many years of repressed emotions have lead a person to this point though.

Where there any major stresses in your life before your nervous breakdown/panic attacks?