View Full Version : Adrenaline dump and no known cause...

09-17-2015, 04:04 PM
Hi folks, hopefully someone will be able to help me out...

I am getting severe adrenaline dumps for no known reason throughout the day. My pupils dilate, and I get the butterflies, stomach cramps, brain-over-stimulation and shakes. I have no known reasons for this to be happening (psychologically).

I have a long history of anxiety and depression (mainly anxiety), but issues that triggered me in the past are mostly resolved (meaning, I don't incessantly think about them).

My mind is generally clear, even when I get these debilitating bouts of anxiety. I know when it is happening that something has gone awry inside my body and it feels like an overdose of adrenaline, but strangely my mind is calm and my only worry is how to hide the side-effects from family, friends and co-workers.

Another thing I've noticed when this started is that I've been getting sharp pains in my left testicle (don't laugh ;) ) and I think this may be related...

I am currently taking Citalopram and have been for several years.

I take multi-vitamins, D3, Vit-B and fish oils.

I have also been taking a sleeping pill most nights to help me sleep. I have a feeling it may be the sleeping pill leaving my system that could be causing this, but I may be wrong. Tonight I am going to stop taking the sleeping pill to test my theory.

Apart from that, does anyone know any other reasons why this may be happening?


09-18-2015, 08:01 AM
Ditch the vit-B for now. See how that affects you. That can be incredibly stimulating.

09-19-2015, 04:09 PM
Have cut the vit-B in half and ditched the sleeping tablet.

Symptoms now seem to be gone. I really think it was the sleeping tablet. Although it is harder to get to sleep, it is worth it to not have those symptoms...

09-21-2015, 07:50 PM
Find another solution so you can get some rest. It won't be long till you sleep normally.

09-22-2015, 05:43 PM
Ever experience panic attacks in your history of anxiety?

As for sleep aid I find magnesium or a ZMA (exercise supplement) gives me a lot higher quality sleep than sleeping pills or melatonin.