View Full Version : Mental Overload???

09-15-2015, 07:01 PM
So, lately I have discovered this new tv show I like. I enjoy writing and I have written fanfics about other shows I like, so I thought I'd write a fanfic about this show. I only do a little writing each day, but every time I spend time thinking/writing about this show I start to feel like I'm having "mental overload" about it. It's like it's making me nervous I'm thinking/obsessing about it too much, even though in reality I'm not spending my whole day doing this. I always analyze whether or I should just avoid it for the moment or not: "I feel like working on my fanfic. Wait, do I? Or will it make me anxious and feel obsessed with it? Didn't I already think about this show once today?" I know that sounds ridiculous... can you guess I am obsessive compulsive? Lol. Anyway, I've had this feeling with other "new" interests before and generally it goes away when the newest of it wears off... I just curious if anyone else feels "mental overload" sometimes and what they do about it.

09-15-2015, 07:21 PM
I can go into experience over load very easily if i let myself get too "in to" anything....a healthy interest with the willingness to detach is what i try to practice...not easy when at times i can be obsessive...but i notice that getting too "into" something raises up my anxiety .......i relate to what u r saying...

09-15-2015, 07:46 PM
Thanks for your response. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :) I find I'm the type of person who needs to set "parameters" for the things I like right away. This is when and how and what I'll like about something and this is what I won't like and avoid about it. Sounds like it would suck all of the fun out it, but it's natural to me and I'm used to functioning this way.