View Full Version : A week later...

09-08-2008, 03:19 PM
After being on Diazapan for 1 week, i feel human again, i have not had a s much air hunger, the only time i do it, is when i leave the house, but within minutes it passes.
I went back to my GP today, he has now said right, take this new medicine, and see me ina week. so basically he is weening me off the diazapan. And top doc gave me another week off work...so thats 2 weeks of no work, i love it.....I have also enrolled in the quit smoking clinic, but i cant start for a few weeks as the clinics run for 6 week periods and they are half through a group now. My husband is also going to come 2 the clinic to so we can quit together.

Today i went to a yoga class, and feel ok. I couldnt quite get to grips with the breathing, as i am a constant deep breather, and this is what i am trying to control. but i will keep it up.


09-08-2008, 06:48 PM
Good luck on the quitting smoking. I found when I quit my anxiety went way down (actually mostly dissapeared). I am smoking again...and my anxiety came back shortly after starting.

I no longer think I am crazy for having this anxiety and panic attacks...I think I am crazy because I can't quit smoking! Perhaps I should be on a quit smoking message board rather than this one...hehe.