View Full Version : Anxiety for feelings

09-15-2015, 02:02 AM

I'm afraid of feeling. I'm even more afraid of showing what I feel to others.

Anybody else having it like that?

09-15-2015, 11:21 AM
I have that issue more when I'm depressed than when I'm anxious. However sometimes its the opposite and I feel like I'd do anything to feel something. Kinda weird how that works. There are some days when I feel like it would be easier not being able to feel but its better to feel something than be depressed all the time.

09-15-2015, 12:14 PM

I'm afraid of feeling. I'm even more afraid of showing what I feel to others.

Anybody else having it like that?

Yes I do, my family was loving...but not in a "huggy kissy" emotional kind of way. To show emotion was to show weakness, both parents came from abusive homes and made themselves hard in order to survive....in turn they were hard with myself and my bothers. My brothers became hard people/tough guys, repressed emotions which come out in anger management issues. I made myself hard and tried to disappear. I feared showing emotion for many years, fear of falling in love even fear of recognition, fear of feeling.

I have been able to let my walls down and be less hard over the years and sometimes I get to emotional...my brothers have also realized their anger problems and each is now finding out lets for their repressed feelings and emotions...actually we are beginning to enjoy each others company a bit more whereas we seldom socialized before, there is hope for us yet.