View Full Version : Worst year of my life

09-14-2015, 05:05 PM
Where to begin, so I am 18 years old. Have had anxiety for years. Just recently at the start of the year it got worse. Around March I started having pain in my Private area. (im a guy btw) So of course i was scared and right away i assumed it was cancer because that's how I am. I went to the doctor got all the tests done and everything was ok after that. It was like the doctor giving me the ok took the all the pain away. So right after that all went away I started having pain in both of my armpits. This started around June. Of course again i thought it was cancer.. So finally after crying everynight for a good 2 months I went to the doctor again and she checked me and she said i was fine. Found no bumps nothing. Of course i got no tests done because i just hate it. But then about a week ago i randomly started sweating in my sleep. And I just don't know what to do with myself. I am crying just writing this. Deep down I keep trying and telling myself that it is all linked to anxiety but idk if that is even possible at this point. If anyone has any insight besides going to the doctor. Then that would be great. Thanks for reading.

09-14-2015, 05:32 PM
I know you said you're looking for advice besides going to the doctor, but what about a therapist? If you don't want to go and see a therapist in a traditional setting, there are services online or even apps that connect you with therapists. However, usually it's not free. Other than that, I would go to your local bookstore and find a book (or order a book online) about meditation. I'm new to this forum and I've already suggested this a few other times since joining so I feel like a broken record already. But, I'm sharing what has helped me. As simple as it sounds, sitting for 10 to 15 minutes focusing on your breathing helps. Instead of thinking this is the worst year of your life, think about how you can turn things around. You can make it better. Everything will be okay. When you wake up in the morning, think about what you're grateful for. Also, think of a mantra, and repeat that. Something similar to, everything will be okay.

09-20-2015, 09:38 PM
I'm not going pretend I know how to make it better. And I surely don't know if your symptoms are something more, but I do know that night sweats and random body pains happen to me too. I've been to the doctor more times than I wish to think about because it's so real. And each time after tests, they tell me it's nothing. So that means it is anxiety. That may or may not be true for you. If it's truly worrying you, go for the tests no matter how scary. At least then you should have an answer as to if it is anxiety or not :)

09-21-2015, 07:49 PM
Honestly, you should suck it up and take the tests. This is your health we're discussing, buddy. If not that, then go talk to a therapist and see in what ways it is they can help you with your conditions. Don't postpone it until it's too late.