View Full Version : am i going crazy

09-14-2015, 04:31 PM
im a 28 year old male, not in the best of health. weight wise. i lost my mother a little over a year ago. when i think about her or how she passed with in a day or so at night i cant sleep. my arms and legs feel tingly, the left side of my chest has a warm feeling inside that comes and gos,( this is new) i try and feel my pulse and i feel like its to fast. when i cant sleep i think im having a heart attack. or if i do almost fall asleep right when i close my eyes i jump and feel like i wont wake up if i fall asleep. im in constant fear that i will have a heart attack and leave my kids fatherless. over the slightest feeling in my chest. not pain wise just like a muscle jump. id focus on trying to feel my pulse. this dont happen alot but when it does its scares the holy crap out of me. i have went to the dr before and they did a ekg, blood work, x ray of my chest. every thing come back ok. they sent me on my way. i have read alot of anxiety symptoms and alot of them sound like me. i want to ask those on the site that might be able to shed some light if they go threw what i do.

thank you

09-14-2015, 05:42 PM
There are so many things that could help you. Everything from changing eating and excercise habits, to therapy, to medication. My recommendation is to talk to someone about it. It took me a long time to talk to my doctor about it. It can be embarrassing. But, you have to do that. You can't just keep all of this to yourself. Talking about it on this forum is a good first step. Medication may not be the answer for you. And, I don't recommend that you jump right to medication. I would first try different things like meditation, aromatherapy, other types of therapy and/or vitamins. Do a lot of research.

09-15-2015, 03:36 PM
I've been having really similar issues to you, it happens when im about to fall asleep or even if im just sitting around. I get this overwhelming feeling that would come and go. I constantly check my pulse as well when I get that feeling. Then I think to myself " i might be having a heart attack" but it all goes away eventually. It's so frustrating! But i totally get where you're coming from.

09-16-2015, 08:21 PM
I went with a psychologist like two years after going to the psychiatrist, I recommend you to go with a psychologist and if you need medication he/she will tell you and then you can visit a psychiatrist, good luck c:

09-26-2015, 03:40 AM
Hi there,
I lost my mum a year ago and my sister this year. I think it has triggered anxiety and panic disorder for me as well. I get those feelings and more and especially one where I just fall asleep and I wake with a fright because I can't feel my heart beating, I'm sure it has stopped. Then I lay awake and worry that I may not wake up if I fall asleep. Eventually fatigue takes over and I do sleep but I have some crazy dreams. You're not alone. I'm going to have some counselling for the grief. I'm hoping this will help. I hope you don't feel so isolated now.

10-31-2015, 08:23 AM
i just had a really bad attack yesterday at work. ive never done that before. i work alone at a cell phone store my boss came in to do some office things. im cool with my boss i dont feel threatened by him because hes my boss. i dont know what triggered it. it was the worse one i have ever had. so embarrassing that i cant control it any more. i finally made a drs appt to try and get some help. i dont know any of you but it feels good to open up to someone that understands what i go thru. i talk to my family but its not the same as someone who deals with the same things. i hope they find a cure for this..