View Full Version : fears about my health, specifically my heart

09-14-2015, 04:00 PM
Hi Everyone: I've had longstanding issues with anxiety, so I know I have a tendency to overreact to physical symptoms. My issue lately is that I don't feel like I know what is important and what is not. I had a couple episodes in the last week where I felt a growing tightness in my chest that was intense enough to really alarm me. One happened when I was talking in a meeting, and I was so distracted I pretty much lost focus on what I was saying. But it only lasted a few seconds, maybe 10-15 at max? I am of course super worried about this, and I am sure that means my heart is giving out. My routine physicals say I am healthy other than anxiety. Is this the type of thing you ask a doctor about? Or is the type of thing that someone without anxiety would shrug off? Any thoughts on how to cope?


09-15-2015, 05:02 PM
Personally, I'd talk to my doctor about it. I wouldn't just completely shrug it off. If you aren't taking anything currently, anxiety medication could help. But, that's up to you and your doctor. Maybe there are other things you could try first.

09-17-2015, 11:21 AM
I also have fears about my health and I'm currently focused on my heart and heart rate, as well. If it's not one thing, it's another. I've seen my PCP, neurologist, cardiologist and have been given a clean bill of health, but still don't seem to get relief from this. What I have learned is that stress and anxiety can manifest themselves in so many different way in the body. It can make us physically sick and create symptoms for no other reason than anxiety. I am battling with this vicious cycle right now because every time I feel something off in my body, I panic. I hate that this has happened and has made me fear doing things that I love like exercising. I don't know that I have any advice for you, just that I can relate. My therapist has told me that I need to accept the fact that I am healthy, trust in the doctors and focus on relieving my anxiety. (Easier said than done). I know the more we focus on these physical symptoms, the more they become apparent and recurrent. I try to do self-talk and repeat mantras even if I feel like I'm lying to myself. "I am healthy, I am happy, I am fine. This is just anxiety. I have a healthy heart because that is what the doctors told me. Exercise will only make my heart stronger. An elevated heart rate helps condition your heart and this is normal." Etc. etc. My biggest battle is staying out of my own head. If our doctors say you are fine, you likely are fine. Try to trust in them.
Hope you find peace with your situation soon!