View Full Version : I need some help

09-08-2008, 02:31 PM
Ok, so it seems that I have anxiety or at least that is what my doctor told me. So let me tell you my story, it all happened about 2 months ago, I bought a tea and drank it, I got to my work and I started to feel cold. I started to turn pale and so did my hands and my heart started to go a little faster. My coworker looked and me and ask me what was wrong, I told her it was really nothing, I started to feel like I wanted to throw up but it was not because of the food I had eaten I couldn't explain it. After 20 minutes I got worse and I made myself throw up which relieved me for a little while but I got worse so I went to hospital. When I was there it sort of went away and they did some test and found nothing. I went back to normal until a week latter when I started to "suffocate" (a Saturday night) and couldn't breath even though I knew I was breathing so I went to the ER again to have me checked out. I suspected it was problems with my thyroid gland so I told them to take some blood samples and they came clean. Thursday night I had another similar one but I sort of pulled through it until it went away. At that point I had no clue what it was, than 2 weeks later (Saturday night) I got another one and I wen to the ER again and that was when they told me i had panic/anxiety attacks. OK so I really didn't pay too much mind to it except that I needed fix my sleeping habits because I have always gotten problems sleeping and that might help. Unfortunately during that week I feel weird my brain started to feel numb, sometimes I felt dazed and like my head was being compressed and that my blood was going at 100mph. But nothing else until Saturday night this week when I started to read something online about a person who had anxiety and my heart started to pound again. This time was very different though, it didn't go away. My previous attacks lasted about 1-3 hours and I would feel normal but this one didn't I spent the whole night trying to make myself relax, I walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes, I drank a tea and nothing, after a while I felt like throwing up and I did twice. Which relaxed me but the feeling came back. I finally managed to make myself fall a sleep after 1 hour and when I woke up in the morning I was perfectly fine, for 5 minutes. It came back I tried waling it off and couldn't so my mother called one of her friends to pick me up and take me to the ER so I went. As expected they told me they couldn't give me anything and I needed to talk to a psychologist, so I left I had not eaten anything and I did want to eat anything even though I was starving. So I forced myself to eat a steak that I nearly threw up after I eat it. And went to a friend's house even though my heart kept pounding all day long. I would not stop, it was draining me, I felt tired and annoyed and I got cold to the point that I started to hyperventilate and my friend called an ambulance. In short they told me to breath out of a bag which calmed me down and I went home at around 9. When I tried to go to sleep it came back and I could not fall asleep. Now today I been feeling slight panic attacks and its driving me crazy. I feel like they are not going to stop and I am going live like this the rest of my life. Please give me some guidance .......

09-08-2008, 03:23 PM
sounds to me like you have been getting panic attacks that have been getting worse. You might want tyo see a pshychiatrist. They can manage everything and help with panic disorders.

09-08-2008, 07:28 PM
Hi Obelysk,

I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through. What have you been eating? I know caffiene and sugar can trigger anxiety, especially when consummed often. I find that those who are anxious tend to have to watch their intact of sugar and caffiene.

You're body is going into fight or flight mode when you are having anxiety attacks. Your body senses danger (whether it is real or not) and "revs" up for it.

Keep working on the relaxation. It is important to work on this. It will get easier. :)

09-09-2008, 05:28 PM
Well right now I am depressed. The last 3 days my body got hijacked by panic attacks from when I woke up in the morning till I finally fell asleep. I want to learn more about this disorder but every time I go online I see something negative and it triggers my attacks. Sigh. So I am having a hard time trying to understand what is happening to me.OK I have several questions that I am a bit confused by. Ok I have read that panic attacks have no cures but I have also read of people that haven been cured of it. So which is it? Can I go back to my normal life? Or am I simply going to have to learn to suppress it and live with it? If I can be cure how long can it take? Months, weeks, years? I assume its by case.... If it can be suppressed to what point? Am I going to have attacks daily or weekly, monthly? May be there is something else that i should check out before clearly saying that I have an anxiety disorder? I have already set up an appointment with my doctor but I want to get better educated.

Thanks for all your help guys I really appreciate it. I did eat 2 donuts when it started last Saturday until today It usually happened to me Saturday nights for some reason.