View Full Version : What is wrong with me?

09-14-2015, 12:46 PM
Hey guys,

I have been suffering from anxiety for a few months now. At first it was really bad, I was constantly walking around in a brain fog and was having regular panic attacks. I was getting all of the symptoms one would expect when I was anxious and I would feel a constant pressure around my sinus area whenever I was anxious. Someone mentioned to me on a forum one time it could be due to vitamin D deficiency and it just so happened that I had been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency a couple of months prior during an annual physical. So I was advised to take Vitamin D3 and Magnesium and I was doing so for a while and it almost fully shifted the anxiety and brain fog so I stopped taking it and a couple of weeks later the dreadful brain fog returned. I just felt like I was constantly high every day and I had kind of an off balance feeling and slightly blurry vision. I just didn't feel right.

I got a full eye exam and that was fine and I was given an MRI on my brain on the advice of the eye doctor and my physician. This came back clean and ever since I have been taking 10,000 UI of Vitamin D every day along with Magnesium and I have been feeling much, much better and the brain fog has shifted for the most part.

Yesterday evening I started to feel spaced out again. This has happened to me a couple of times in the last few weeks and I realized on each occasion I had forgotten to take the Vitamin D that morning. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not? Could not taking Vitamin D really make me feel like this?

Also, I like to have a few puffs of an e-cigarette each morning when I am having coffee and I use the ecig pretty heavily when I drink alcohol. It has no affect on my when I drink but I feel when I have it in the morning it makes me feel anxious and just don't feel quite right and kind of off balance. I think because alcohol calms me, I don't get anxiety. I know I shouldn't use it at all, but I have been addicted to nicotine for most my life and I just find it impossible to stay away from it.

Has anyone had any similar experiences with vitamin D deficiency?