View Full Version : Stuttering due to anxiety?Please help

09-13-2015, 06:24 AM

As a kid i was a stuterer but i cured it(somehow).At 5th or 6th grade primary school i started to stutter again.It wasnt that big but it was there.It got superb worse when i was at 8th grade but later it got better.I m now 4th grade of highschool and i still have that problem.I dont stutter that much,ofc there are times when i speak fluently to anyone without single stuttering but then there are times that i just cant control it due to anxiety.Its especially bad when teachers or anyone ask me to repeat what i said.I also stutter when i speak to strangers(only first sentence).
Is there any way to remove it since its due to anxiety and fear or at least reduce it?

09-14-2015, 04:39 AM

09-14-2015, 03:06 PM
I too have this problem from time to time. I think it has to do with confidence. Have you tried any kind of therapy? It's really hard, but, you have to find ways to build your confidence. First, if someone makes fun of your stutter, they have a bigger problem than you do. So, try not to think about the stuttering. And, if it happens, it happens. So what. I used to think being optimistic and positive was corny. But, there really is something to being positive. If you start your day out positive, sometimes the rest of the day turns out a whole lot better. Different things work for different people. Some options to combat your stuttering and anxiety is to talk to a therapist or your doctor. You can also try excercising more, eating better and other things like meditation. It doesn't matter what other people think. Just be you. That's easier said than done. I know. But, it's true.