View Full Version : Bad anxiety and intrusive thoughts :(

09-12-2015, 10:48 AM
So a couple of days ago, I made an attempt to go out and have fun with some friends. Well the night started around 10, didn't get back till around 3:30 in the morning. I usually sleep pretty early, around 11ish. So that night while we were out I got extremely tired and wanted to go home but the people I was with still wanted to grab a bite to eat and whatnot. We get to this restaurant, half filled with loud drunks. Understandable though, cause it's late and were in the heart of LA. Finally head home afterwards and knockout as soon as I walk in, but only managed to sleep for a few hours. Woke up with a horrible headache and just felt a little off! Then through out the day it got worse! I would get that random rush of adrenaline, then have these mini panic attacks while sitting around. It happened 3 or 4 times, I would get extremely anxious, and would have these random intrusive thoughts that would really bug me. Night falls and I eventually fall asleep but, I would wake up constantly! Completely out of it! and i'm sure it's beause of the lack of sleep I had the night before. Oh, and not to mention all the weird dreams/nightmares I was having :(

Still feeling a little off today, wanted to see who else has had a similar expierence, or can offer some help or advice as to how i can overcome this feeling! I was doing so well this past month or so! Now I feel like im back to square one :/

09-14-2015, 03:25 PM
You say that you feel like you're back to square one. So, you've been struggling with anxiety for some time? And, you feel like you've been getting better? Could the headache and feeling out of it simply have to do with lack of sleep?

09-14-2015, 07:29 PM
Yeah i've been dealing with anxiety for the past two years. The symptoms i've been feeling these past few days is what I would feel when it all started. I've sort of learned how manage it a bit better, but I do still have my bad days especially as of recently. Im thinking that the lack of sleep probably was the main trigger. I've caught up on sleep, but still having little episodes of being really anxious for no reason.

09-15-2015, 03:04 AM
When you have a sudden feeling of anxiety for no reason focus on your breathing. Try repeating, "Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out." Or, think about something simple yet positive, like, "Breathing in, I know that my eyes still work well." Be aware of the little things we take for granted. I read this recently in a book by Thich Nhat Hanh. It's called, "You are here." It's about discovering the magic of the present moment. I recommend it.

09-15-2015, 03:03 PM
I'll give that a try and will look into that book you recommened. Thanks for responding by the way! I really needed some advice. It gets tuff having to deal with it all on your own.

09-15-2015, 04:54 PM
I'll give that a try and will look into that book you recommened. Thanks for responding by the way! I really needed some advice. It gets tuff having to deal with it all on your own.

You're not alone. Let me know if you end up getting that book.