View Full Version : I've finally found the reason of my anxiety!

09-08-2008, 10:39 AM
After suffering over 9 months, being hundred times in various doctor's offices, having X rays, MRI, EMG, USG, blood tests etc etc,
after being told by "doctors" all is in my head - I finally found by myself, my personal search and perseverance what was going on with me.
I really despise all doctors, they know NOTHING!
If I listened to them I would end up unnecessary on a lexapro or other poison for the rest of my life. Angry

Week ago accidentally I came across on some forum about candida overgrow I did myself a test and bingo! I have this problem, most likely since 10 years or so.
After just few days without a sugar and taking probiotics I already started to feel better, but this is long and not easy fight.
Candida overgrow symptoms are unbelievable and scary, I suggest anybody with anxiety should check this first.

I have experienced almost every symptom from the list.

good luck, I'm free again 8)

09-08-2008, 07:20 PM
That is SO FABULOUS!! I am so happy you are feeling better!!!!! :D

I've had a look at the website, and it certainly is interesting. Thanks for posting it!

09-09-2008, 08:15 AM
motif i am just so OVER THE MOON for you! :D this is amazing news! and so simple too, no drugs just healthy eating and keeping those sugars at bay! congratulations on being able to figure it out :) i am convinced that most of us who suffer from anxiety can resolve the problem by looking into our diets and i am soooo glad for you that you did just that! and also, well done on making the changes that you need, so many people don't want to hear the kind of advice that tells them to look at the way they eat and get rid of bad diet habits, you should feel proud of yourself for being strong enough to make the changes necessary. once again, well done :D

09-09-2008, 09:00 AM
thank you guys,
but that is not the end yet. Combating candida takes months depending how severe was overgrow. Also in the beginning I expect die-off reaction which can be very non pleasant... :(

But I can tell you this I'd rather don't eat sweats which I loved so much then suffer again what I've been suffered. General weakness, tingling, needles and pins, numbness in hands and face, feeling fainting, lack of energy and will to do anything, short breath, heart palpitation, random stubbing pains all over my body and so on...believe me don't want ever experience it again. :shock: :

Anyway I don't believe that anxiety is just because we're nuts like pharmaceutical companies want us to believe, but because
there is imbalance in our body chemistry, and that of course is directly connected with food which we eat and our digestive system. Some Greek philosopher wrote once that we start dying in our guts and he was right...