View Full Version : thinkign im going to pee myself DRIVING ME INSANE

09-09-2015, 08:21 PM
i use to be a drug user for a couple of years and been clean for a long time now but i got this axiety thing from it i think i keep thinking i need to pee and i cant hold it in but then when i go to the bathroom i either dont need to go or barely any comes out it only happens when i go up to a big crowd and somedays i dont have it. its been almost 2 years now dealing with it and it effecting my work and social life does anyone know how to get over this ive never peed myself but the feeling is so intense and i starting freakin out my work makes me travel a lot in the car

09-10-2015, 10:01 AM
i use to be a drug user for a couple of years and been clean for a long time now but i got this axiety thing from it i think i keep thinking i need to pee and i cant hold it in but then when i go to the bathroom i either dont need to go or barely any comes out it only happens when i go up to a big crowd and somedays i dont have it. its been almost 2 years now dealing with it and it effecting my work and social life does anyone know how to get over this ive never peed myself but the feeling is so intense and i starting freakin out my work makes me travel a lot in the car

Yep, been there do that, mine was caused by a 2nd Grade teacher Mrs Quartz, she would not let me go to restroom " I needed to learn self control" anyway did not get to go until after i wet my pants...the custodian laughed at me and the pointed me out to another...probably one of worst days of my life. To this day I never miss a chance to use bathroom and I find out were they are when traveling....also usually take cruise vacations and one of the reasons is I know I have a nice clean bathroom in my cabin.

I think with time it gets better, you start to learn your body better, also you learn some tricks...like not drinking before and during a car trip, also always drive your own car...you are in charge of when and where you stop.

I have peed myself several times while sleeping last year...i was mortified...turns out I was over sleep medicated and was not able to wake up to go. Its not happened since but I was Leary about going anywhere for an overnight stay for awhile.